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- Jegeg Nyelolet
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In English
At the time of Lock Down, not only did I feel the impact, but all countries in the world felt overwhelmed, the economy suddenly dropped dramatically, all traffic jams, from small traders to tourism had been rolled up. Until now my mother and father did not work, let alone pay the debt, just buy 1 kg of rice, I still think. it is true that in the early period of Covid I received 10 kg of rice, but it was not enough for two weeks of living.
For a moment at that time I thought, this situation is so difficult, if I squatted in the corner and was reluctant to work, surely everyone would starve. In order not to suffer from Covid, to be anemic and hungry due to starvation, now I have to have a job so I don't just stay at home. I see on Social Media, all my friends are busy trading. There are those who sell donuts, vegetables, oranges, and whatever is most trending at the time, it is certain that everyone knows, even those who read what I'm confiding are definitely selling too. What is that? It's nothing but a mask.
Good, because everyone is selling. I am confused about what items to sell, to keep up with the government's appeal. It was exactly the full day of Kadasa, where I prayed in front of Bhatara Hyang Guru, asking for a way to get inspired to sell, after praying, suddenly my offering container was burnt with incense. There I was inspired to repair damaged offerings so that they could be used again. I immediately asked my father for tools for firing.
That night was like the Lubdaka who carried out the fast. I stayed up all night drawing all the floral, butterfly and foliage motifs. The next day I immediately bought paint at the shop next to the house, all the containers of my mother's whole and dirty offerings I painted so that they were beautiful like firing . Now it has been fifteen days for me to repair the offering containers, and right then my family from the east came to my house and saw my work. They asked me to fix their property. I was so happy to see a good offering container again. Then they found a customer for me.
Now the world has improved, more and more are coming to me to improve the offerings, even now, the New Normal period. During this new period, we've been able to undertake all activities and work, but we must remember to use the health protocol. At the same time, many of my resellers are outside the village. Hopefully this Covid will leave soon and be able to return to really normal again.In Balinese
Covid, covid, covid. Wantah
Rikalaning Lock Dwon ento
Dipetenge ento
In Indonesian
Pada saat Lock Down, tidak hanya saya yang merasakan dampaknya, akan tetapi semua negara di dunia merasa kewalahan, perekonomian mendadak turun drastic, semua macet, dari pedagang kecil hingga pariwisata sudah gulung tukar. Sampai sekarang Ibu dan Bapak saya tidak bekerja, jangankan bias membayar hutang, membeli beras 1 KG saja masih berpikir, memang benar pada periode awal Covid saya mendapat bantuan beras 10 KG, tapi itu tidaklah mencukupi kebutuhan hidup selama dua minggu.
Sejenak saat itu saya berpikir, keadaan ini begitu sulit, apabila saya ikut jongkok di pojokan dan enggan bekerja, sudah pasti semua akan kelaparan. Agar tidak menderita karena Covid, menjadi busung lapar karena kelaparan. Sekarang saya harus punya pekerjaan agar tidak berdiam diri saja di rumah. Saya lihat di Media Sosial, semua teman saya sibuk berdagang. Ada yang menjual donat, sayur, jeruk, dan yang paling ngetren saat itu, sudah pasti semua tau, bahkan yang membaca curhatan saya ini pasti jualan juga. Apakah itu? Tidak lain adalah masker.
Baik, karena semua berjualan, saya bingung memikirkan barang apa yang akan dijual, tapi agar tetap mengikuti himbauan pemerintah. Saat itu tepat hari Purnama Kadasa, disana saya sembahyang di hadapan Bhatara Hyang Guru, memohon jalan agar mendapat inspirasi berjualan, setelah sembahyang, mendadak wadah sesajen saya terbakar terkena dupa, disana saya mendapat inspirasi akan memperbaiki wadah sesajen yang sudah rusak agar bias digunakan kembali. Tidak bertele-tele, saya langsung bertanya dengan ayah saya, apa saja alat-alat untuk ngecat.
Malam itu bagaikan sang Lubdaka yang melaksanakan puasa, saya begadang menggambar segala motif bunga, kupu-kupu dan dedaunan, besoknya saya langsung membeli cat di took bangunan di samping rumah, semua wadah sesajen ibu saya yang lubang dan kotor saya cat agar cantik seperti yang ngecat. Sekarang sudah lima belas hari saya memperbaiki wadah sesajen, dan saat itu juga keluarga dari daerah timur dating ke rumah dan melihat pekerjaan saya. Mungkin bagus dilihatnya, dia meminta saya untuk memperbaiki miliknya. Saking Sukanya melihat wadah sesajennya bagus kembali, ia lalu mencarikan pelanggan untuk saya.
Sekarang dunia sudah membaik, makin banyak juga yang mendatangi saya untuk memperbaiki wadah sesajennya, sampai sekarang sampai masa New Normal. Masa yang baru ini semua sudah bias menjalani aktivitas dan pekerjaan, akan tetapi harus diingat memakai protocol kesehatan. Berbarengan dengan itu, reseller saya sudah banyak di luar desa. Semoga Covid ini segera pergi dan bisa kembali seperti semula lagi.
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