Property:English definition

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Mill. (Lauraceae)  +, alligator pear  +, medium tree that grows well in the higher elevations of Bali  +
a set of  +
thoughts  +, hope  +
lime  +
fire  +
persuade  +
a type of hair oil (mapun)  +, to apply hair oil  +
to fake, fool, deceive, trick (as in athletic contest)  +, trap with deception  +
hairstyle  +, curls at the nape of the neck  +, hairstyle of Bujangga Wesnawa devotees  +
pull back, drag (e.g. a stubborn animal), draw on a rope  +, create  +
tell  +
information, order  +
instructions  +
white lotus  +
clear, colorless brandy distilled from brem or tuak, (fermented rice or fermented juice obtained from the unopened inflorescence of the coconut or lontar or sugar palm tree)  +
forest  +
name (AMI/Alus Mider)  +, basic word form of the word 'aranina' which means 1. named; 2. the height / presumption  +
wide part, placed wide apart, rare: scarcely, scarce, infrequent  +
forest  +
poultice, traditional medicine in the form of a poultice applied to black and blue mark (vs. uwap for hot stomach)  +, carry, something carried by more than one person  +
letter  +
red lotus  +
electrical term  +, a rod stuck in ground  +, one-half of something  +,
kiss  +
people  +
charcoal  +
palm tree  +
in front of  +
in front of  +
banana shoots; Vegetables are made from banana shoots  +
younger  +, younger brother  +
placenta treated with great respect because it is symbolic of one of the kanda empat, the four brothers or sisters of the new born child  +
second day of the 6-day week  +
tiger  +
Deer  +
sleepy  +
soundly; well (about sleep)  +, gentle; breeze (about wind)  +
knife  +, bent knife that is used for hooking over a branch and pulling down so that the branch is cut off  +, sickle with a toothed blade for cutting dwarf rice  +
traditional form of entertainment at religious festivals in which girls, dressed as men, sing and dance simultaneously  +
greedy  +
cry  +
satisfaction, want, desire, wish, acceptance, pleasure  +
property  +
property  +
meaning: sense, significance, importance  +
translate  +
meaning  +, subtitled  +
Feared  +
scent  +
the open sea  +, a large expanse of water  +
a tug  +, asan beneh = feeling that one has when fish pulls on line  +
smooth, proper, polite  +
any kind of bed, but usually used to refer to traditional bamboo strip bed, or table,  +
even, flat, over a relatively large area  +
same  +
soruce, beginning  +
Forest  +
how much; as is  +
so much; like that; that much  +
this way; this much; like this  +
Sick  +
one month  +
flat  +, dry  +
just enough  +
one-half of a day  +
sour  +
smoke, incense  +
incense sticks  +
Immunity to substances (E.g. venom)  +, always succeeding, lucky, e.g. at cock fight  +
half  +, fifty percent  +, equal portions of something  +
friendly  +
result crop, yield (cannot refer to rice  +, rice harvest = manyi), effect  +
stranger  +
length of time one sleeps  +, 4 - 5 hours  +
rite D406ceremony, esp. of purification  +
the blink of an eye; at a glance  +
original; pure; native  +
at first glance, in a wink, in the twinkling of an eye  +
one basketfull  +, counter word  +
stage of life  +, four stages into which the life of the individual Hindu was divided: 1. Brahmacarin, religious student  +, 2. Grhasomethingya, married householder  +,
leadership teachings that emulate the eight gods according to Hinduism  +
architectural building science according to literature in Bali  +
chrysanthemum flower  +
pray: worship  +
Elephant  +
arrow  +
pray; worship  +, hopefully  +
a dog with red body fur and a black muzzle and tail used in the bhuta yadnya (caru) ceremony  +
horse  +
Dip  +
Entered it  +
be willing  +
vine (Schizaeaceae), a common fern found growing on trees in the wetter parts of Bali  +, its thin, long vine is strong and tough and is used to bind together various parts of baskets and other plaited objects, most commonly to tie rim to object  +, use generally confined to higher elevations where the vine grows nearby  +,
To summon, spur on, incite  +
rice cake (jaja) shaped like small soft colored disks  +, made from kanji and a little tepung baas, salt, and coloring, red or green  +, a dough is made with hot water  +,
Forest  +
Pull (hard)  +
high as the meru  +
get a lift (ride) from someone, lead away, escort  +
delivered; delivered by someone  +
deliver; take someone (to somewhere)  +
delivered; delivered (by someone)  +
short time, length of time it takes to smoke a cigarette or something  +
half of something; fifty percent  +
end to end, without a gap, close together  +
move things close together  +
deliver; take to somewhere or someone  +
mind, soul, heart, desire, liver, will, nervous  +, fear  +, afraid  +
a 'u' shape hair piece forming the base for a wig  +, corncob  +
sickness, with symptoms of loss of appetite, vomiting, dizziness  +
in the past  +
guest; invited guests by letter  +
cremation ceremony  +
self, that which is eternal and is reborn in a new body  +, spirit  +, Atman is the second part of Panca Srada which means to believe in atman as a small spark from Brahman who revives all beings.  +
Cloth in women  +
reverse as with a car  +, one truck load  +
the height or measurement of a coconut tree from the ground to its highest point  +
talks; serve; offer anything said, offered, given, or communicated by an inferior to one of higher status  +
things you give or offer  +, offering  +
to give; to offer  +
offered be  +, tell someone, give to someone  +
meaningless word = anything you wish  +
cover  +, something that covers the body  +, used in Jimbaran to refer to our Barong or Rangda because the costumes or pelawatan of these figures cover the body of the performer completely.  +
Rangda: name often used by Jimbaran people to refer to the Rangda  +
Slipping  +, strip leaves off of a branch  +
counter or classifier for animals with tails  +
Dioscorea sp. (Dioscoreaceae)  +, many species  +, tubers of various sizes, most of which are edible, but some of which, e.g. gadung, sekapa, contain poison and are only edible if poison is removed by washing  +,
Water tunnel for field irigation  +
Doing something in a way pleasing to myself without following rules or custom, do things any way that comes to mind without regard to society, sloppy  +
Working without following any rules, doing something half-assed  +
All day long  +, one day  +
body  +, main part of something; trunk; top part of a a sail  +
yourself; myself (informal / impolite form)  +
himself; herself  +
frigate mackerel, frigate tuna, Auxis thazard  +, compared to other tuna fish, the frigate tuna is small and slender  +, found all over the world in tropical oceans in open surface waters to depths of 50 meters  +
reason  +
that's why; the cause; therefore  +
Ficus septica (Moraceae)  +, fig tree  +
Cotton  +
see, attention, notice  +, danger, be careful  +
Jerangau  +
always do good with peace and sincerity.  +
stupid  +
traditional customary rules of conduct  +, customary law based upon Hinduism, rules of behavior, code of conduct (as compared to civil law)  +
know  +, I don't know, I don't want to do something  +
reason; cause  +
ashes  +
Hand  +
big  +
volunteering work  +
chicken  +
epilepsy  +
invite  +, beautiful  +
afraid  +, will; plan to  +
Stale  +
beautiful  +
Moist  +
front  +
swing, cradle, ferris wheel  +
Ba +
already past  +
on top; above; atop  +
bright red (about the color of the face due to anger or illness)  +
swollen, red area on body, e.g. from infection; swollen and festering  +
robber: sometimes a robber who kills  +, red (about face)  +
a board or plank  +, by  +, As a preposition, baan can also mean "because of", "as a result of", "through" or "by means of" (an agent or an instrument); for example "baan jejehne" which means because of scare  +,
made; do something; did something (by someone)  +
let, give, hand over, offer, allow, permit, let off (forgive debt), etc  +, hot; warm  +
allowed; given  +
white uncooked milled rice  +
clean and whole grain rice  +
limp rice; rice soaked in water for about an hour to make it easily ground, usually used to make loloh (herbal medicine)  +
heavy or large  +, to weigh a lot  +
chronicle; history  +, stomach lining of animals; big belly meat  +
a hanging decorative  +, a ceremonial decoration on a gate or entrance  +, designation for men of Chinese descent  +,
scrape  +
get scraped; bruised  +
bark of tree that has been peeled off for use as medicine  +
finger bowl or reading or paraphrasing or direct translation of a spoken text or theatrical dialogue into contemporary Balinese. The text is usually Old Javanese prose and poetry, kakawin. There are commonly two participants, one, the juru baca, reads a phrase from the text, which is normally unintelligible to the audience, and a second, the juru basa, translates or paraphrases it into the vernacular, usually medium or high Balinese, which the audience can understand. Sometimes bebaos is done in secular surrounds, as clubs or banjars, for the purpose of studying the text, in which case there may be arguments about meaning or accuracy of translation. In Jimbaran bebasan is never done during a ceremony.  +
mat material  +, roll of pandanus leaves that is dried in the sun prior to weaving into a mat (tikeh)  +, leather shadow puppets played at the beginning of the show  +,
mat material  +, circular, flat roll of pandanus leaves coiled tightly to be used to make mat (tikeh), before they are soaked in water and flattened by twisting the roll  +
weight (for scale)  +
foal; baby horse  +, scarecrows in fields or fields to frighten animals  +
wooden box for food that is carried in boat by fishermen  +
knife, with ascending point, cleaver  +
groceries  +
the groceries; his/her the groceries  +, suffix {-ne} in the word "bablanjanne" declares ownership or clarifies the words that are followed. Almost the same as the 'the' particle in English.  +
on top of; above  +
a black big ant  +
shallow  +
people who go into trance and then stab themeselves with kris because of butakala entering their bodies  +
read (imperative)  +
calculate; count  +
calculated; counted (by)  +
figuring; calculation; counting; something counted  +
calculatet; count; calculate please  +
read (by)  +
feces  +
fat; distended (about stomach or belly)  +
barn, stable  +, usually followed by the particle (n) at the end of the word become (badan) and followed by the noun as the object that is given the mark of ownership of the word bada / cage, for example: badan celeng (pig’s pen/cage)  +
benign; tame  +, a call or expression in Balinese when someone feels upset or angry with something  +
north at the north, on the north side of  +
north of; further north  +
rhinoceros  +
east on the east side of, at the east  +
west  +, on the west side of, at the west  +
badé - guess  +, badé - corpse stretcher tower; one of the Ngaben ceremonial supplies that will be moved to Setra (grave) or to the beach  +
small edible black crab that lives in the coral at the edge of the suung  +
palm tree  +
south, at the south, on the south side of  +
black  +
slow  +, tasteless; flat (about flavor)  +
a tree whose fruit is round as big as a tomato, yellow, and has a sour taste  +, the name of one of the regencies in Bali  +
fishing line that allows a hook to swivel  +
on top; above; atop  +
hole  +, vagina  +, part; section  +
slow; sluggish  +
happy; cheerful  +
division; part of work  +
stupid; dumb  +
handsome (about man’s face)  +, attractive person, commonly used to describe masculine features  +, sometimes used sarcastically as a joke  +,
collapsed building  +, fall down so that something is horizontal, e.g. tree, or lie down, be horizontal  +, cut down (imperative), example : Bah punyane ento! (Cut down the tree!)  +
work hard; helter-skelter  +
epidemic; a proverb which means to die of plague  +
is cut down (by someone)  +
to move into a horizontal position; to extend  +, to bend over (imp.)  +
to be horizontal rather than vertical  +, to lat down flat  +, lay down (by someone); demolished (by someone)  +
shoulder  +, many; a lot of  +, hands, for example: bahu pada (foot and hands (accomplices; refers to a right-hand man))  +
king's accomplice; the king's confidant  +
various spells  +
bracelet  +
a compound word that comes from the words 'bahu' which means 'many' and 'sastra' which means 'book of knowledge', so that 'bahu Sastra' means 'dictionary'  +
a type of small sea prawn  +
Banyan tree  +
leg; foot  +
boat; ship  +
unmarried, post-adolescent girl  +
wedge; peg  +
squirrel  +
large sun-dried fish  +, Bajau; Bajau people  +
top of pedanda's bell on which there are three projections representing the Tri Murthi  +, weapons of Indra and Dewa Iswara  +
clothes; shirt/tshirt  +
tub; big boxes for water; garbage, etc.  +, any sort of sink or box for water storage, as in a bath room, a kind of container or vessel  +, chinese ink  +
ingredients; material; stuff  +, will  +, candidate  +
to get, get back something lost, receive  +, to be able; get; gain  +, by accident  +
menopause  +
eat  +
take; carry  +
pray; worship; devotion; offerings  +, respect  +, filial piety; bow down; pray  +
strong, sturdy, steady, firm, unyielding  +, an inauguration ceremony to purify building (e.g. ceremony for a new house) palawatan, etc., before caru is held  +
a beach plant with large white flowers and long thin leaves that join at a common point at the base  +, often used to retain sand and soil at the beach  +, terna, up to 125 cm tall, planted as an ornamental plant, the flowers are white or red, the roots are used to treat wounds and are considered as antidotes, the fruits and seeds are mixed in the herb medicine puru 〔Crinum asiaticum〕  +
storm  +
bal  +
week no. 25 of the 30 Pawukon weeks  +, army; soldier; paramilitary troops  +, wuku number 25/ 25th week in the Balinese calendar  +
boundary for land or beach litter, large flotsam and jetsam, driftwood  +
check with thumb and forefinger  +
grasshopper  +
the grasshopper(s)  +
race contest in running  +
race;  +, a flock of fish floating on the surface of the sea water  +
sea slug, sea cucumber  +, several colors, but most are black  +, black ones are commonly called celak pande  +
collide; uprooted all  +
community or neighborhood building used as a meeting place and recreation hall for all members of the local community who are organized into a group. The group has two aspects, that which intersects government (civil) law, and that which concerns customary (adat) law. Or bale means a quantity of steamed rice.  +, building; dwelling; house  +, hall  +,
long buildings with twelve or more poles  +
angklung hall; a place to put various ceremonial equipment  +
the twelve-masted building contains lines and decorations on its pillars  +
building houses for public gatherings for villagers  +
gazebo  +
patio or six square building  +
building located in the southern or eastern part of the house, twelve pillars, walled walls in the south and east  +
a building located in the middle jaba area or side jaba on a temple that serves as a place to beat gongs and gamelan  +
a building containing 28 pillars, erected on a mound of land surrounded by a pond as a royal assembly hall, priests and court officials  +
elongated and lined buildings each eight pillars  +
a sacred council building; built on a brick foundation and oriented longitudinally on a downhill shaft; there a village council meeting takes place every new and full moon, heads of households gather and take their place in the loud bale in the strict social status sequence, which requires them to sit in two parallel rows in the order of their seniority; the most senior member is always on the edge of the uphill (kaja/north) on the kangin/east side (sunrise)  +, long pavilion; long house; community hall  +
the building where the goddess Majalila resides in Besakih temple  +
the main building which has twelve poles, generally a place of deliberation  +
the eighteen-mast building faces south where the gods dwell at the Batara Turun Kabéh ceremony  +
a twelve-masted building, erected in the western part of the house, as a place to receive guests  +
six-masted house (located in the southern part of the house)  +
the eleven square building for a traditional ceremony in the castle (royal palace)  +
one-masted square building, roofed with fibers on either side of the grand kori (Besakih), also called Balé Mundar-Mandir  +
twelve elongated buildings, staging gambuh art, usually found in the central courtyard of the castle  +
a place located on the side of the house, used to hold inter-family gatherings in one bondage sanggah (family temple) and can also function as a place of deliberation  +
building a square house with eight pillars, as a place of ceremony at Besakih Temple  +
a four-mast building used as a seat for the priest to worship while leading a religious ritual  +
a six-masted building with its halls or building divided in two, located in the western part of the yard, as a place to receive guests  +
building a small rectangular house with a four mast as a pelinggih or a monument in a temple  +
a building in sanggah (family temple) or temple as a place of ceremonial means  +
empress's house  +
(balé sakutus/saka kutus) - building houses that have eight poles, usually used as a bed  +
small rectangular building that has a triple pole to place the arson equipment  +
the nine-poles building is located in the western part of the house, commonly called balé singasari  +
hall that has twelve poles, palm-roofed, formerly used by kings for ceremonies, now used as a place of offering in Besakih  +, also called the balé kembang sirang  +
a tall building in the corner of a palace or temple courtyard  +
two-masted balai in the rice fields or in the balé banjar, a place to weigh or measure rice  +
long rectangular building, six-masted with a series of ribs made in such a way that it looks as if it has no connection  +
seat or bed made of bamboo or wood  +
glowing embers, glowing charcoal  +
A large beetle-like insect  +
lying to the north  +, at some place toward the north; north side; at north  +
to move towards the north, move northerly (Alus Mider)  +
heavy (about rain or stream)  +, reply  +, heavy rain or strong waterfall  +
One of the islands and provinces in Indonesia with an island area of 153 km long and 112 km wide and an island area of 123.98 km2. The name Bali Dwipa ("Bali Island") has been found from various inscriptions, including the pillar of the Blanjong inscription written by Sri Kesari Warmadewa in 914 AD which mentions "Walidwipa". Bali is the most popular tourist destination on earth. Bali is famous for its dances and culture, traditional music, many carvings, paintings, leather crafts; metalworking is quite popular, and of course very beautiful natural scenery.  +
a traditional healer, indigenous healer or shaman (there are many varieties). A person believed to possess something given by the gods which can be used as a tool to cure people  +
herbalists who treat by massage  +
shaman who helps people give birth  +
(balian sonténg) - the shaman who offers offerings with ordinary words to bring strength when treating  +
shaman fortune teller  +
shaman to consult about supernatural things  +, shamans where people ask (1) who is incarnated in a newborn, (2) what / who causes someone's illness, (3) people who have died  +
herbalist; shaman who treat according to the book of medicine (usada)  +
abortion shaman  +
the final stage in the death ceremony  +
calligraphy made from Balinese script  +, Baligraphy is a beautiful art of writing. The explanation of Calligraphy and Baligraphy is Calligraphy is a beautiful writing art that comes from a foreign language (English) Caligraphy is (art) Beautiful Hand. Where is the Latin language Calios (beautiful) and graph (writing) so the meaning is beautiful writing. This Baligrafi appeared on July 1, 2013. As the initiator of the term Baligrafi, was the painting maestro I Nyoman Gunarsa et al, precisely at the moment of the Balinese Festival of Language. The Baligraphy emphasis is the beauty of meaningful Balinese script writing.  +
performance of any sort, spectacle; show  +
taste! (command form)  +
tried; tasted (by him/her/someone)  +
reversed backwards, wrong way round; turning; back  +
purification type of large caru used to purify a temple or a whole village  +, from the words eturn backe, and eoathe.  +, a ceremony (bhuta yadnya)that bigger than Rsi Gana Ceremony  +
turn over (command); give it back  +
see; look; try to feel it  +
wood  +, construction wood, 6 x 12 cm. cross section  +
light bulb  +
flying fish  +
a bet on a cockfight  +, widow or widower  +
Paederia foetida; a type of shrub plant that can be used as a cooking ingredient and also medicine in accordance with the recommendations in traditional Balinese medicine.  +
widow/widower that hasn't descendants  +
Widows who have inheritance rights  +
widows or widowers who have many children  +
widows or widowers who have many children  +
chameleon  +
for net, used along the top edge and often made out of sandal bottoms  +
large bones  +, chain link or watch strap  +
bones found in the joints  +
wadding; cuts (about meat, jackfruit, etc.)  +
dim eyesight  +
kind of plant that have vines, thorny, and have tubers; yummy  +
Bamadéwa - another name for Shiva  +
tire  +, wooden board  +
umbilical cord, equated with the Kanda Empat  +, someetimes considered to be the vernix caseosa, the yellow fatty material that coats the skin of a newborn baby or a tuber.  +
tree, Meliaceae  +
less harmonious in color  +, blonde hair  +
ghost  +
spirits (king of the forest) are manifested in the form of giant heads or lions  +
ghost or spirits that shaped like a human  +
good; nice  +
make it good  +
slow  +
make it slow  +
slowed down  +
counter for bunch of grapes or other small fruits  +, tool for leveling sandstone, brick, etc., shaped like a small hoe with short stem  +, waist  +
stunted and weak  +
jammed; don't want to explode  +
transvestite man in drag, homosexual, queer, lesbian, female impersonator, effeminate  +
open square or common near a temple; enclosure built on "virgin" land for important ceremonies  +, outside the castle wall  +, front yard of the palace or castle  +
sour because it's too ripe  +
Pull out  +
dance and percussion artist  +
croupier : leader or dealer of gambling game  +
milkfish  +
rattan thorns  +
appeal  +
compare it; compared with  +
compared to it; compared (by him/her)  +
model: use as  +, compare  +
compared (by him/her)  +
spear, with hair decoration  +
stared; looked on constantly (by him/her)  +
compete; match  +
match; compete  +, compare; match it  +
be pitted; be contested  +
match  +
matched; rivaled (by him/her)  +
Coffin  +
harness or straps used to secure something to the body or another object  +, a safety strap  +, straps for a shoulder pole (sanan) to which baskets or buckets are attached  +,
tied; tied by him  +
tie it up  +
tied; tied by him/her  +
red  +
The color of the rice grains is yellowish red.  +
digging hole; grave; trench pit, hollow place, cistern without cement, hole in ground  +
bangén - often lucky in business  +
sticky rice  +
sharp smell  +
very; so much; serious, utmost, hard, solid  +
raise; make it loud  +
proud of someone or something  +, resistant to suggestions  +
be proud of; to be proud  +
made proud of him/her  +
let it be; leave; let  +
stern, stubborn  +
let it go, let him work, let someone alone, leave alone, let it be  +
scream, use coarse language  +
single ladder; a sigai bamboo (containing pegs or bars), usually used to climb coconut trees, palm trees, etc.  +
dead (used only for animals or as slang)  +
broken or cracked so that one cannot use the object any more  +, makes a sort of hollow or rattling sound when struck, rather than a solid sound. usually refers to some sort of clay container  +
Big male pigs fanged  +
string  +, square package of bamboo string for use in making ambengan roofs  +, wound on frame made of two crossed pieces of bamboo  +
red ears on chicken  +
bangké - carcass; corpse  +
bangkébai - a kind of cannon  +
sauce, yellow kunyit suspension in water poured over meat to remove the "andih" odor before it is cooked or used in ebat  +, mash kunyit on batu basa first and mix with water, then squeeze out excess  +, ricefield  +,
waist  +
his/her waist  +, sufiks {ne} menyatakan kepemilikan atau memperjelas kata yang diikuti. Hampir sama dengan partikel 'the' dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada kata 'bangkiangne' dapat diartikan sebagai 'pinggangnya'  +, suffix {ne} states ownership or clarifies the word followed. Almost the same as possesive pronoun in English. The word 'bangkiangne' can be interpreted as 'his/her waist'  +
thin; lean  +
a buffer for rice in dry soil  +
symmetrical  +, good taste  +, get something easily if you want it  +,
not sold  +
sabrang stem (a type of tuber that is about the size of a candle, it tastes like taro) that resembles a tuber  +
big; lots; weight  +
objected; overloaded  +
poison in the form of small caterpillars  +
bankrupt  +, not powered up  +
bench; seat  +
jicama (Leguminosae), yam bean  +, medium climbing bush with violet flower spikes  +, produces a large, juicy, sweet tuber shaped like a beet. Tuber is a more or less conical shaped rhizome that has a thin tan skin and a juicy white flesh. It is one of th e few plants of the group that the Balinese call umbi-umbian (roots and rhizomes) that is almost always eaten raw. The flesh is crisp and has a sweetish taste, no t unlike that of a radish, but without the sharp sensation. Bangkuang vary considerably in size, from about 7 or 8 cm. in diameter at the top, up to about 15 cm. for the very largest ones  +,
long-jaw thryssa, a common fish in Jimbaran Bay  +
female pig, breeding sow (kaung = boar)  +, female pig broodstock  +
herbaceous plant  +
a type of sea fish whose body is flat  +
bald  +
Zingiber cassumunar - a rhizome from the family Zingiberaceae  +, closely related to common ginger Zingiber officinale  +, used sparingly as a spice in the mixture called wangen  +,
snare; meshes; catch with a knot shaped rope trap  +
snare; meshes; catch with a knot shaped rope trap  +
snare; meshes; catch with a knot shaped rope trap  +
poison in the form of small caterpillars  +
rude; speak rudely  +, irritable (when speaking)  +
nation; type  +, nobility  +
The immature bud of palm, corn, grass, etc.  +, Before the male and female flowers open (called paangan when mature)  +
hut, barn or shed  +
kind of swear word; asshole  +
damp; containing water  +, a kind of disease; diseases that occur due to vitamin B1 deficiency. This disease is usually characterized by symptoms such as swelling in the legs, palpitations, to shortness of breath.  +, misfire (unsuccessful)  +
impact  +, hot  +
impacted (by something)  +
make an impact; give an impact  +
given an impact or (by something)  +
root material, as from a banyan tree  +, aerial root  +, a kind of black gem  +
pig basket  +, woven bamboo basket used to carry fish or pig  +
ladder single pole ladder with cross pieces or steps notched into the pole  +, unstable and easily rolls over  +
courageous, daring, willing to do or try or undertake something that is risky, potentially dangerous or harmful  +, dare to be brave enough  +
dare it  +
large fish trap made from fence material  +
community (custom or service)  +, community organizations at the level below the village  +, territory of community organizations  +
lift it high  +
kind of common jaja made of ketan + grated coconut in a boat- shaped busung, about 20 cm. long  +, filling is put in container, then tied shut with tiing tali o r plastic tape, rolled between the palms to make cylindrical, and steamed  +, used in weddings, sodaan, punjung, jerimpen, etc., as part of offering.  +
stick  +, big stick, tree trunk, drum body  +, framework, skeleton  +,
Flat  +
approximately, only, such as, as much as  +, division  +
become worse (wound, infection, or sickness only)  +
an offering, usually made from a combination of coconut , fruits, flowers for worship by Balinese Hindus.  +
an offering  +
(banteng) - hot; blazing  +, (banténg) - cow  +
offerings are made for someone or something  +
just (in the sense of only)  +, but cannot always be used to mean only exactly as in English. Bantes means no more (or less) than  +, Dogen is used for only, in the sense of no other than  +,
teenagers  +
village  +
water coming out of the corpse  +
joke nonsense, fun, funny  +
water  +, water that has been used in washing rice  +, mabanyu = urinate or weekday, first day of the Pawukon cycle, everyone is supposed to go to the sea or to a spring or other source of water to purify himself or rice water from washing rice, sometimes fed to pigs, milky because of fines (vs. titisan = water from cooking rice)  +
neck; collar of shirt  +
big-eye trevally fish  +, smaller one are called cakal or words  +
father  +
his/her father; particles {ne} state ownership or clarify the word that is followed. The word 'bapane' can be interpreted as someone's father  +
swollen  +
red  +
things  +
things, property, articles  +
with, together, be together with someone  +, join  +
at the same time, do together  +
include it  +
kindly, generous, magnanimous  +
gust of wind, strong wind, storm with clouds, often from the west, not as severe as bakungan  +, scratched  +, Boy Scout hat  +
easy to split; easily broken down  +
sole male warrior dance  +, a row  +
The embodiment of mythological beasts as a symbol of truth to fight against destructive forces; The most common barong has a costume that is activated by two men, one behind the other, one manipulating the mask, the other the hind end. Barong Landung is a tall barong that consists of a mask attached to a framework that fits over the head and body of a single man. There are many different types of barong. If the word has no adjective indicateing type, it is usually assumed that the meaning is Barong Ket  +
Lion Barong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barong_(mythology)  +
new  +
one of the gods of the 18 directions, assigned to West Southwest  +, considered as the god of the seas, but originally he was one of the oldest Vedic gods associated with the sky  +, also known as Waruna  +
counter or gong instruments, sets of gamelan  +
betel  +
spices, spice mixtures  +, language, speech  +
pest; plant disease  +
stomach  +, rougher inside part of bamboo culm that is used for making baskets or other containers. Basang of bamboo is usually pale yellow or almost white and is weaker and softer than tundu, which is the outer part. People are particular about keeping the basang side toward the center or inside of the object.  +
impatient  +
god of Indra  +
small cone shaped container made of two bas (betel) leaves containing ingredients of the betel chew, tatampinan, plus a small wad of tobacco that protrudes  +, used primarily as part of the important offering called punjung  +, also sold as a ready to chew quid. Name comes from temisi, a kind of garden snai that has a conical shape.  +
betel package  +
wash hands or feet lightly by dipping into a bowl of water, pabesehan, or by pouring water over them  +
pan: large metal tub or pan, like a dishpan, usually made of aluminum, with outward flaring sides, used for hauling fish from beach, or other objects that are large and heavy  +
Dog  +
tie  +
one of the two naga, snake-dragons, that live in Bhur Loka along with Bedawang  +, usually colored green or blue  +, the other is Anantaboga. Basuki and Anantaboga are the symbols of man's earthly needs  +
protruding (e.g. stomach, teeth)  +, stick out  +, story  +
brick  +
Tile  +
only  +
block  +
under, underneath, below, foot, lowest part  +
A bamboo pole, made of tiing ampel, that pulls a lampit, a device used for smoothing a field before planting. The horizontal part of lampit, made of bamboo in Peninjoan, is attached to cows at front and to the lampit below. the farmer sits on the rear end of it as it is dragged along. Elsewhere a regular wooden bar similar to how the tongue of a plow (tetehan) is used.  +
floor; base part of building  +
pull kind, one of a group (watek)  +
music: percussion musical group, used to accompany Janger, kung fu exercises, etc.  +