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In English
Once upon a time in the forest there was a bird named weaverbird, and a monkey. The bird was very friendly to the monkey. One day, the bird was busy going here and there looking for grass, reeds (imperata cylindrica raeusch), and dried leaves. These were used for nests on tree branches because the bird would soon laid eggs. In the middle of the bird’s fun, suddenly the monkey was sitting next to the bird. The monkey watched the bird making a nest. After this was finished, the bird came to a stop while talking to the monkey.
"Hei, you monkey, why don't you want to build a house? Your child is carried everywhere. No heart for your child. Since they were born, they move here and there? If so, what's the use of you having hands, legs? Your body is strong, but you can't build the house. It's true you are too stupid animal. Only building a house, you can’t do it!
Just started talking to the bird, the monkey spontaneously was angry and embarrassed, then the monkey responded fiercely. "Hei, you bird, how did you say that? Yes, to make you notice, I am indeed a descendant of the monkey who has supernatural power, able to uproot the mountain. My ancestor was a servant by Rama. My ancestor can build the bridge in the sea that flowed to Alengka. When Rama attacked Alengka. Well, (in the end, this fight can defeat Maharaja Rawana) and his family. Very outrageous. See your nest now! "
Then the monkey torn the bird’s nest apart until this became a mess. After the nest was destroyed, he then stopped talking. At this time, the bird thought of its nest, the bird then complained about the monkey’s behavior to the pastor. However, the pastor could not charge a fine.
Because of its unfulfilled wishes, the bird was sad alone. That's the story of the fool and stubborn like the monkey. Actually, people truly give the advice, its acceptance is terrible. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti OmIn Balinese
Ih, iba
In Indonesian
Dahulu kala di hutan ada burung bernama burung manyar, dan kera. Si burung manyar bersahabat karib dengan si kera. Pada suatu hari, si burung manyar sibuk ke sana ke mari mencari rumput, alang-alang (imperata cylindrica raeusch), serta dedaunan kering. Itu dipakainya untuk sarang di cabang pohon karena ia sebentar lagi akan bertelur. Sedang asyiknya, tiba-tiba si kera sudah duduk di sebelahnya. Diperhatikannya si burung manyar yang sedang membuat sarang. Setelah selesai, si burung manyar berhenti sambil berbincang dengan si kera.
“Eh, kamu kera, apa sebabnya kamu tidak mau membuat rumah? Begitu lantas anakmu digendong ke mana-mana. Tidak kasihan anak kecil, sejak lahir diajak berpindah ke sana-sini? Kalau begitu, apa gunanya kamu punya tangan, punya kaki? Badanmu kuat, hanya bikin rumah tidak bisa. Memang benar kamu binatang terlalu bodoh. Bikin rumah saja tidak mampu!
Baru begitu bicara si burung manyar, si kera spontan marah bercampur malu, lalu si kera menyahut galak. “He, kamu burung manyar, bagaimana itu perkataanmu tadi? Ya, agar kamu tahu, aku memang turunan kera yang mempunyai kesaktian, mampu mencabut gunung, Leluhurku dijadikan abdi oleh Rama. Leluhurku sanggup membuat jembatan di laut yang mengalir ke Alengka. Dulu waktu perjalanan Rama menyerang ke Alengka. Nah, (Pada akhirnya bisa mengalahkan Maharaja Rawana) dan keluarganya. Sangat keterlaluan sombongmu. Lihat sarangmu sekarang!”
Lalu dicabik-cabik sarang si burung manyar hingga hancur berantakan. Sesudah hancur , ia lantas berhenti sambil berbicara. Setelah sarangnya hancur, si burung manyar memikirkan sarangnya, si burung manyar lalu mengadukan prilaku si kera kepada pendeta. Namun, sang pendeta tidak bisa mengenakan denda.
Oleh karena tidak terpenuhi keinginannya, si burung manyar sedih sendiri. Begitulah diceritakan si bodoh dan keras kepala seperti si kera. Sebenar-benarnya orang menasihati diterimanya buruk. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om
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