I Belog Meli Colok

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    In English

    Once upon a time, there was a little boy who didn't go to school. Because he did not know the letters, he was called I Belog. As the name suggests, the little boy was an idiot. However, he is very loved by his mother and father. Because he was diligent, obeying the advice of his parents.

    Early in the morning, I Belog was woken up by his mother. His mother told I Belog to go to the shop to buy matches. It was very clear that his mother ordered him to buy a match that would light up. "Swipe the match first, make sure it will light up!" that's what his mother ordered. "Okay, mom," said I Belog innocently. I Belog walked to buy matches. Arriving at the shop, he told the seller. Then the seller handed over the lighter. The price of the lighter is one hundred and fifty rupiah. I Belog handed over two hundred rupiah. The seller gave another fifty rupiah change. I Belog walked home. Arriving at the T-junction of his village, he remembered his mother's message. "If you don't rub, how will you know the match will light," he thought of his mother's message. Then I Belog swiped the match. Byur. The match is about to light. I Belog was very happy because the match was about to light up. I Belog continued his journey. He had only walked three steps when he stopped again. “Only one was turned on, what about the others? Do you want to live or not? So that you don't lose buying lighters, rub the others too,” I Belog thought. I Belog swiped his match. Byur. The match was lit. I am very happy, Belog. Again one swiped, lit too. Then one by one the matches were swiped, all of them lit up. Infinitely happy because all the contents of the match was lit. "Hmmm, shopping for new lighters is good. Everything that is swiped lights up. It doesn't hurt my mother telling me to buy lighters, because all the matches want to light up," I Belog muttered. Then he put the scraped match into the box. Whistling while singing he walked home. Arriving at the house, I Belog handed over his lighter. “Mother, all the matches are about to light. Here are the matches, mother!”

    His mother pouted, her lips pouted because of the loss of telling her son to buy matches.

    In Balinese

    Dugas pidan, ada anak cerik tusing masekolah. Ulian tusing nawang aksara, ipun kaukina I Belog. Saja buka adane, anak cerik ento mula belog. Yadiastun keto, ia sayanga pesan teken meme bapane. Sawireh ia jemet, nuutang pangidih rerama. Nuju semengan, I Belog kadundun teken memene. Memene nunden I Belog ka rompyok meli colok. Pedes pesan memene mabasen apang meli colok ane nyak ngendih. Kecesang malu coloke, pastiang nyak ngendih keto pabesen memene. Nah me, saut I Belog polos. I Belog majalan meli colok. Teked di warung, ia nyambatang teken dagange. Dagange lantas ngenjuhang colok. Pangajin coloke aji karobelah. I Belog ngenjuhang pipis satak rupiah. Dagange ngemaang susuk buin seket rupiah. I Belog majalan mulih. Neked di pateluan desane, ia inget teken pabesen memene. Yen sing kecesang, kenken nawang coloke nyak ngending, keto ia mineh-minehang pabesen memene. I Belog lantas ngecesang colokne. Byur. Colokne nyak ngendih. Kendel pesan kenehne I Belog sawireh colokne nyak ngendih. I Belog nugtugang pajalanne. Man majalan telung tindakan, ia buin mareren. Mara besik bakat kecesang, ane lenan kenken? Nyak idup apa sing? Pang sing pocol meli colok, kecesang mase ane lenan, keto I Belog mapineh. I Belog ngecesang colokne. Byur. Colokne ngendih. Kendel pesan kenehne I Belog. Buin besik kecesanga, mase idup. Sakabesik lantas kecesanga colokne, makajeng ngendih. Sing amat-amat liang kenehne mapan makejang isin coloke ngendih. Hemmmm pang kene mablanja meli colok mara luwung. Asing kecesang idup. Sing pocol i meme nunden meli colok, mapan coloke makejang nyak idup, keto I Belog ngrenggeng. Ia lantas nyelepang colok ane suba kakecesang ka kotakne. Suir suir magendingan ia majalan mulih. Teked jumah, I Belog ngenjuhang colokne. Me, coloke makejang nyak ngendih. Neh coloke, me Memene masemu, bibihne munju sawireh pocol nunden pianakne meliang colok.

    In Indonesian

    Dahulu kala, ada seorang anak kecil yang tidak bersekolah. Karena tidak tahu huruf, ia dipanggil I Belog. Seperti namanya, anak kecil itu memang dungu. Walaupun demikian, ia sangat disayangi oleh Ibu dan Ayahnya. Karena ia rajin, menuruti pertuah orang tua.

    Dini hari, I Belog dibangunkan oleh ibunya. Ibunya menyuruh I Belog ke warung membeli korek api. Sudah sangat jelas sekali ibunya berpesan agar membeli korek api yang mau menyala. “Gesekkan dahulu korek apinya, pastikan mau menyala!” begitu pesan ibunya. “Baik Bu,” sahut I Belog polos. I Belog berjalan membeli korek api. Sesampainya di warung, ia bilang kepada penjual. Kemudian Si Penjual menyerahkan korek api. Harga korek api itu seratus lima puluh rupiah. I Belog menyerahkan uang dua ratus rupiah. Si penjual memberikan kembalian lagi lima puluh rupiah. I Belog berjalan pulang. Sesampainya di pertigaan desanya, ia ingat dengan pesan ibunya. “Jika tidak gesekkan, bagaimana bisa tahu koreknya bisa menyala,” begitulah ia memikirkan pesan ibunya. Kemudian I Belog menggesek korek apinya. Byur. Korek apinya mau menyala. I Belog merasa sangat senang karena korek apinya mau menyala. I Belog melanjutkan perjalanannya. Baru berjalan tiga langkah, ia kembali berhenti. “Baru satu yang sempat dinyalakan, yang lainnya bagaimana? Mau hidup atau tidak? Agar tidak rugi membeli korek api, gesekkan juga yang lainnya,” begitulah I Belog berpikir. I Belog menggesekkan korek apinya. Byur. Korek apinya menyala. Bahagia sekali hatinya I Belog. Lagi satu digesekkan, menyala juga. Kemudian satu persatu korek apinya digesekkan, semuanya menyala. Tak terhingga senang hatinya karena semua isi korek apinya menyala. “Hemmm kalau begini belanja membeli korek api baru bagus. Semua yang digesekkan menyala. Tidak rugi ibu menyuruh membeli korek api, karena semua korek apinya mau menyala,” begitulah I Belog bergumam. Kemudian ia memasukkan korek api yang sudah digesekkan ke kotaknya. Bersiul-siul sembari bernyanyi ia berjalan pulang. Sesampainya di rumah, I Belog menyerahkan korek apinya. “Ibu, semua korek apinya mau menyala. Ini korek apinya, ibu!”

    Ibunya cemberut, bibirnya monyong karena rugi menyuruh anaknya membeli korek api.
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