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In English
The world is currently being hit by a very big disaster, namely the covid-19 outbreak, where this virus is the latest variant of the corona virus, this virus was first discovered in wuhan china in November 2019. Now the whole world is being hit by an outbreak of this virus including Indonesia, Indonesia is now entering a critical phase in handling the Covid-19 outbreak, not only that, Indonesia is also critical in the economic field.
The Indonesian government is now implementing a new regulation, namely PPKM (enforcement of restrictions on community activities), which has generated a lot of conflict and controversy between the community and the government. The process of implementing this PPKM where people are prohibited from working or selling, hanging out and opening tourist attractions, outside 17:00 hours will be fined The opinion of the public regarding the restriction regulations is that it is difficult for people to meet their daily needs since the Covid outbreak and the enactment of work restriction regulations. People are very emotional towards the government that makes regulations that are very detrimental to the community. Where there are regulations that make people despair, they are prohibited from going home if there is no Covid-19 vaccination letter and swab tests which are expensive.
The government should understand more about the lives of its people instead of adding to the misery for the people. What about the fate of people who do not have jobs because they have been laid off and are prohibited from selling, especially when there is news circulating that there are people who take the opportunity to make a fool of themselves by replacing swab equipment with used ones in order to get higher profits. Does it deserve to be forgiven?, now the community's economy is thinning and added to by people who cheat for money.
We the people are very pressured by various rules and prohibitions that make us powerless, the government should not make regulations that make it difficult for the community. The government should help the community not only make difficult rules but should strengthen each other .
Community complaints The world is currently being hit by a very big disaster, namely the covid-19 outbreak, where this virus is the latest variant of the corona virus, this virus was first discovered in wuhan china in November 2019. Now the whole world is being hit by an outbreak of this virus including Indonesia, Indonesia is now entering a critical phase in handling the Covid-19 outbreak, not only that, Indonesia is also critical in the economic field.
The Indonesian government is now implementing a new regulation, namely PPKM (enforcement of restrictions on community activities), which has generated a lot of conflict and controversy between the community and the government. The process of implementing this PPKM where people are prohibited from working or selling, hanging out and opening tourist attractions, outside 17:00 hours will be fined The opinion of the public regarding the restriction regulations is that it is difficult for people to meet their daily needs since the Covid outbreak and the enactment of work restriction regulations. People are very emotional towards the government that makes regulations that are very detrimental to the community. Where there are regulations that make people despair, they are prohibited from going home if there is no Covid-19 vaccination letter and swab tests which are expensive.
The government should understand more about the lives of its people instead of adding to the misery for the people. What about the fate of people who do not have jobs because they have been laid off and are prohibited from selling, especially when there is news circulating that there are people who take the opportunity to make a fool of themselves by replacing swab equipment with used ones in order to get higher profits. Does it deserve to be forgiven?, now the community's economy is thinning and added to by people who cheat for money.
We the people are very pressured by various rules and prohibitions that make us powerless, the government should not make regulations that make it difficult for the community. The government should help the community not only make difficult rules but should strengthen each other .
Community complaints The world is currently being hit by a very big disaster, namely the covid-19 outbreak, where this virus is the latest variant of the corona virus, this virus was first discovered in wuhan china in November 2019. Now the whole world is being hit by an outbreak of this virus including Indonesia, Indonesia is now entering a critical phase in handling the Covid-19 outbreak, not only that, Indonesia is also critical in the economic field.
The Indonesian government is now implementing a new regulation, namely PPKM (enforcement of restrictions on community activities), which has generated a lot of conflict and controversy between the community and the government. The process of implementing this PPKM where people are prohibited from working or selling, hanging out and opening tourist attractions, outside 17:00 hours will be fined The opinion of the public regarding the restriction regulations is that it is difficult for people to meet their daily needs since the Covid outbreak and the enactment of work restriction regulations. People are very emotional towards the government that makes regulations that are very detrimental to the community. Where there are regulations that make people despair, they are prohibited from going home if there is no Covid-19 vaccination letter and swab tests which are expensive.
The government should understand more about the lives of its people instead of adding to the misery for the people. What about the fate of people who do not have jobs because they have been laid off and are prohibited from selling, especially when there is news circulating that there are people who take the opportunity to make a fool of themselves by replacing swab equipment with used ones in order to get higher profits. Does it deserve to be forgiven?, now the community's economy is thinning and added to by people who cheat for money.
We the people are very pressured by various rules and prohibitions that make us powerless, the government should not make regulations that make it difficult for the community. The government should help the community not only make difficult rules but should strengthen each other .
if there are words that are less pleasing, I apologize, and thank youIn Balinese
Keluh kesah
Pemerintah indonesia mangkin
Pikayun masyarakat manut
Pemerintah seharusnyane lebih mengerti indik
Mekejang kramne sanget
In Indonesian
Dunia saat ini sedang dilanda musibah yang sangat besar yaitu wabah covid-19, yang dimana virus ini adalah virus varian terbaru dari virus corona, virus ini pertama di temukan di wuhan china pada bulan November 2019. Sekarang seluruh dunia sedang dilanda wabah virus ini termasuk juga indonesia, indonesia sekarang masuk dapam fase kritis dalam penanganan wabah covid-19, bukan hanya itu indonesia juga kritis dalam bidang ekonomi.
Pemerintah indonesia sekarang menerapkan peraturan baru yaitu PPKM (pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat), yang banyak menuai konfik dan kontroversi antar masyarakat dan pemerintah. Proses pemberlakuan PPKM ini dimana masyarakat dilarang bekerja atau berjualan, nongkrong-nongkrong dan mebuka tempat wisata, di luar jam 17.00 maka akan di denda Pendapat masyarakat terkain peraturan pembatasan tersebut iyalah masyarakat sekarang susah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari semenjak adanya wabah covid dan di tetapkannya peraturan pembatasan kerja. Masyarakat sangat emosional terhadap pemerintah yang membuat peraturan yang sangat merugikan masyarakat. Yang dimana ada peraturan yang membuat masyarakat putus asa iyalah dilarang mudik jika tidak ada surat vaksinasi covid-19 dan tes swab yang harganya mahal.
Pemerintah seharusnya lebih mengerti tentang kehidupan masyarakatnya bukannya menambah kesengsaraan bagi masyarakat. Bagaimana nasib masyarakat yang tidak punya pekerjaan karena di PHK dan dilarang berjualan, apalagi ada berita yang beredar ada oknum yang mengambil kesempatan untuk membodohi dengan mengganti alat swab dengan yang bekas demi mendapat keuntungan yang lebih tinggi. Apakah itu pantas untuk di maafkan?, sekarang ekonomi masyarakat sedang menipis dan di tambah lagi dengan oknum-oknum yang curang demi uang.
Kami masyarakat sangat tertekan dengan berbagai aturan dan larangan yang membuat kami tidak berdaya, para pemerintah sebaiknya jangan membuat peraturan yang menyulitkan masyarakat. Seharusnya pemerintah membatu masyarakat bukan hanya membuat aturan yang menyulitkan tapi harus saling menguatkan satu sama lain .
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