Sekaa Teruna Teruni (STT) Widya Dharma Santi Banjar Bude Ireng, Batubulan Kangin this year made ogoh-ogoh named Bawi Srenggi. The ogoh-ogoh in the form of a giant pig tells of an epidemic. Where it is said that Bawi Srenggi is a powerful giant. He loves Dewi Uma, who is already married to Rambut Sedana. Rambut Sedana, who knew about this, was finally angry, so that a battle broke out with Bawi Srenggi. But because of his magic, he can't die when he hits the ground. Even though his body was scattered. Until one day, Rambut Sedana's magic arrow hit Bawi Srenggi and it flew into the sea. Bawi Srenggi who lost then he swore that wherever Dewi Uma is, that is where Bawi Srenggi is. It turned out that the Bawi Srenggi's tail was cut off, and it turned into a pest/plague.
According to the beliefs of Hindus in Bali, Dewi Uma is the embodiment of paddy, or rice, or rice. Where there is rice, there must be pests such as rats and so on. This is also the inspiration for STT Widya Dharma Santi to work on the Bawi Srenggi themed ogoh-ogoh, with the aim of describing the pandemic situation that has occurred over the past two years. And with the hope that this ogoh-ogoh can be implemented later. The Corona virus that has been epidemic since two years ago can quickly disappear cleanly and the government is more reluctant to handle it.
Sekaa Teruna Teruni (STT) Widya Dharma Santi Banjar Bude Ireng, Batubulan Kangin tahun ini membuat ogoh-ogoh bernama Bawi Srenggi. Ogoh-ogoh berwujud babi raksasa itu menceritakan tentang wabah. Dimana Dikisahkan Bawi Srenggi merupakan raksasa yang sakti. Ia mencintai Dewi Uma yang sudah bersuami Rambut Sedana. Rambut Sedana yang mengetahui hal tersebut akhirnya murka, hingga kemudian terjadi pertempuran dengan Bawi Srenggi. Namun karena sakti, ia tidak bisa mati saat menyentuh tanah. Sekalipun tubuhnya tercerai berai. Hingga pada suatu ketika, panah sakti Rambut Sedana mengenai Bawi Srenggi hingga terbang ke laut. Bawi Srenggi yang kalah kemudian ia bersumpah dimanapun ada Dewi Uma, disitulah ada Bawi Srenggi. Ternyata ekor Bawi Srenggi terpotong, dan menjelma menjadi hama/wabah.
Menurut kepercayaan umat Hindu di Bali, Dewi Uma merupakan perwujudan dari padi, atau beras, atau nasi. Di mana ada padi, pasti ada hama seperti tikus dan sebagainya. Hal ini pula yang menjadi inspirasi bagi STT Widya Dharma Santi untuk menggarap ogoh-ogoh bertema Bawi Srenggi, dengan maksud untuk menggambarkan situasi pendemi yang terjadi selama dua tahun belakangan ini. Serta dengan harapan ogoh-ogoh ini bisa dipralina nantinya. adi virus Corona yang mewabah sejak dua tahun lalu bisa segera menghilang secara bersih dan pemerintah lebih segan dalam menanganinya.
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