- Title of Work
- Geguritan Krama Selam
- Type
- Traditional Text
- Photo Reference
- Nilacakra
- Location
- Singaraja
- Credit
- Gedong Kirtya Singaraja
- Reference
- https://penerbitnilacakra.com/product/geguritan-krama-selam-kajian-teks-sinkretik-hindu-islam/
- Background information
In English
There is also another version of Geguritan Krama Selam owned by the Cultural Office of Bali Province with serial number 6345 IIIb. This version of the text is also a copy of I Made Wirya's, from Panji Village, Sukasada, Buleleng, and typed on June 12, 1983 by I Wayan Suryana. So, the copy is exactly the same as the Gedong Kirtya collection.
Geguritan Krama Selam contains syncretism of Hindu and Islamic teachings. The background feature of this geguritan is Hinduism, but its content is basic Islamic teachings such as the five daily prayers, ablutions, prophets, and divine philosophy.In Balinese
In Indonesian
Ada pula teks Geguritan Krama Selam versi Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali dengan nomor seri 6345 IIIb. Teks versi ini juga merupakan salinan lontar milik I Made Wirya, asal Desa Panji, Sukasada, Buleleng, dan diketik pada 12 Juni 1983 oleh I Wayan Suryana. Jadi, salinannya persis dengan koleksi Gedong Kirtya.
Geguritan Krama Selam berisikan sinkretisme ajaran Hindu dan Islam. Ciri latar geguritan ini adalah Hindusime, tetapi kontennya adalah ajaran-ajaran dasar Islam seperti salat lima waktu, wudu, nabi, dan filsafat ketuhanan.Text Excerpt
Bahasa Kawi/Kuno
In English
In Balinese
In Indonesian
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