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Learn Balinese with BASAbali Wiki

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Melajah Basa Bali ring BASAbali Wiki
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Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar
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    In English

    As far as I know this website provided Balinese language online dictionary. My opinion about BASAbali Wiki is that this website could be very useful for those who want to learn Balinese or young generation in Bali that has mostly used Bahasa Indonesia since childhood, so that they even don’t know how to understand Balinese, mostly the main reason is that they think if we use Balinese language in conversation with friends it sounds plebeian and I think that’s very disappointing because as Balinese we should know our language, especially since Balinese have their own alpahabet called “Aksara Bali” which mean Balinese is a big language, it could be better if we understand types or level of Balinese language such as Alus Sor, Singgih, mider and the structure of Balinese language. And as a Balinese who want to learn more I also feel this website would be very useful because we can easily acces the word that we still confuse in Balinese language. And I also hope that people this website because I believe that there are many people need to know about and use it.

    That’s all my opinion

    Thank you

    In Balinese

    Om swastyastu Seneng lan lega pisan keneh tiange karna ade website online sane wenten kamus Basa Bali, BASAbali Wiki, sane isine sube jangkep. Sane pasti berguna anggo anak anak sane dot melajin Basa Bali atau sane enu paling sing nawang arti kruna basa bali, sawireh liu alit alit jaman jani sane uli cerik sampun ajahine Bahasa Indonesia, jadine pas maan bahasa bali jadi paling karna tusing taen ninggehang, apa buin Basa Bali alus sor, alus mider, alus singgih miwah anggah ungguh basa. Ulian karna tiang yakin website niki pasti kal meguna karna raga patut nganggon pengrasa apang kadung biasa mabasa bali sane becik. Suksma Om santhi santhi santhi om

    In Indonesian