Upacara Rsi Gana
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Information about Holiday or Ceremony
<ul><li>Property "Holiday information text" (as page type) with input value "Rsi Gana is a yadnya ceremony or offering to neutralize natural forces that can disturb the yard area, and the worship performed at this ceremony is addressed to Bhatara Gana as the son of Lord Shiva with His magic goddess Parwati, who functions as the deity of the destroyer of obstacles. In his ten names, Lord Gana is also called Awigneswara (the King of Obstacle Destroyers). This ceremony's tools are also known as caru rishi gana.However, the caru that was offered was not to Lord Gana but to Bhuta Kala. But Lord Gana was asked for His presence and grace to change the power of Bhuta Kala, which tends to destroy, into a power of compassion, which protects and gives happiness." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Holiday information text ban" (as page type) with input value "Rsi Gana wantah upacara yadnya sane matetujon mangdane prasida nyomya sakancan parindikan sane kaon ring karang paumahan, griya, jero, miwah sane tiosan. Dewata sane kasungsung sajeroning upacara puniki wantah Ida Bhatara Gana pinaka putran Bhatara Siwa miwah sakitnnyane inggih punika Dewi Parwati sane mresidayang nglebur utawi ngeseng sarwa mala. ring teks Dasa Nama, Dewa Gana taler kabaos Awigneswara (raja sane mresidayang ngicalang sakancan pikobet. Sarana upacara puniki taler kawastanin Rsi Gana. Sakewanten, banten caru sane katur boya ja wantah katur majeng Bhatara Gana, sakewanten majeng Bhutakala. Sakewanten, Bhatara Gana kaaptiang prasida ngicenin panganugrahan antuk nyomya Bhutakala sane ngusak-asik manados welas asih, taler ngraksa miwah ngawetuang rasa bagia." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Holiday information text id" (as page type) with input value "Rsi Gana adalah upacara yadnya atau persembahan untuk menetralisir kekuatan alam yang dapat mengganggu areal pekarangan. Pemujaan yang dilakukan pada upacara ini yaitu ditujukan kepada Bhatara Gana sebagai putra Dewa Siwa dengan sakti-Nya Dewi Parwati yang berfungsi sebagai Dewa Pemusnah rintangan. Dalam dasa nama, Dewa Gana disebut juga Awigneswara (Raja Pemusnah Rintangan). Sarana upacara ini juga disebut dengan caru Rsi Gana. Namun, caru yang dipersembahkan bukanlah kepada Dewa Gana, tetapi Bhuta kala. Namun Dewa Gana dimohon kehadiran serta anugerah-Nya untuk mengubah kekuatan Bhutakala, yang cenderung merusak, menjadi kekuatan welas asih, yang melindungi serta memberikan kebahagiaan." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul><ul><li>Property "SummaryTopic" (as page type) with input value "Rsi Gana is a yadnya ceremony or offering to neutralize natural forces that can disturb the yard area, and the worship performed at this ceremony is addressed to Bhatara Gana as the son of Lord Shiva with His magic goddess Parwati, who functions as the deity of the destroyer of obstacles." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "SummaryTopic id" (as page type) with input value "Rsi Gana adalah upacara yadnya atau persembahan untuk menetralisir kekuatan alam yang dapat mengganggu areal pekarangan. Pemujaan yang dilakukan pada upacara ini yaitu ditujukan kepada Bhatara Gana sebagai putra Dewa Siwa dengan sakti-Nya Dewi Parwati yang berfungsi sebagai Dewa Pemusnah rintangan." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "SummaryTopic ban" (as page type) with input value "Rsi Gana wantah upacara yadnya sane matetujon mangdane prasida nyomya sakancan parindikan sane kaon ring karang paumahan, griya, jero, miwah sane tiosan. Dewata sane kasungsung sajeroning upacara puniki wantah Ida Bhatara Gana pinaka putran Bhatara Siwa miwah sakitnnyane inggih punika Dewi Parwati sane mresidayang nglebur utawi ngeseng sarwa mala. ring teks Dasa Nama, Dewa Gana taler kabaos Awigneswara (raja sane mresidayang ngicalang sakancan pikobet." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>
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