Delem Dadi Raja

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Delem Dadi Raja
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Artist / contributor
Roseita Dewi_MAHASABA
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Agus Satrya

15 months ago
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Yen alih sing ja soroh butha kalane i delem sakawela bikas masiib cara buta kala punakawanne, tingkah pongah, nyarud dueg, mata pipis, jeg dot maan tongos paling melah, misi merkak. Yenne dadi raja suba ja klus pangus, takut masuang janji malepuk makudus, payu gumine tur masyarakate inguh, buduh, lantas wug buka kena anginne ngalinus.
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What values do you want the government to learn from your choice of Ogoh-ogoh?

In English

Dalem is none other than the king's servant who has a goiter neck. His face was tense and his voice was also loud. When dealing with a higher king, he will be innocent and calm-faced. But when he's with someone who is lower than himself, God, it seems like he's the smartest. Just like his face, the goiter was too big, so the voice was loud and always only turned upwards, which was never seen below. Always talking about the contents of the sky, the talk is very high, but the contents are not visible.

If it's like this, it's the same with world leaders huh?

Even though some have kept their promises, nowadays there are more like Delem, isn't that what friends are like?

In Balinese

Delem sing je ada len tuwah parekan ane ngelah baong gondong. Delem gobane kenyat tur munyine masih kenyat. Yen di arep ratu ane duuran iya lakar mamolos masebeng kalem. Sakewala yen suba ngajak anak ane betenan teken iya, bih dewa ratu, jeg cara iya paling dueg e. Enyak suba cara gobane, bes gedenan gondong, sinah munyine tur kipekane nungadah amat menek dogen, ane di beten tuara tepuk. Satata ngomongang isin langit, munyine tegeh ngalik, sakewala isine tuara tepuk. Yen kene mirib enyak asane cara ane ngisi gumine? Diapin ada ane satya wacana, sakewala dikebenengan janine liunan asane cara delem, sing keto semeton?

In Indonesian

Dalem tiada lain adalah abdi raja yang berleher gondok. Wajahnya tegang dan suaranya juga kencang. Apabila berhadapan dengan raja yang lebih tinggi maka ia akan menjadi lugu dan bermuka kalem. Namun apabila bersama orang yang lebih rendah daripada dirinya, Ya Tuhan, lagaknya seperti ia yang paling pintar. Sama seperti wajahnya, terlalu besar gondok, sehingga suara keras dan selalu menghadap ke atas saja, yang di bawah tidak pernah dilihat. Selalu membicarakan isi langit, pembicaraannya tinggi sekali, namun isinya tidak perlihat.

Kalau seperti ini, sama halnya dengan para pemimpin dunia ya?

Walaupun ada yang tepat janji, tetapi saat ini lebih banyak yang seperti Delem, bukankah seperti itu teman?