3 - Luh Ayu Manik Mas, Luh Ayu Manik Pahlawan Lingkungan

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Video by: A.A. Ari Laksemi

In English

When walking home after watching ogoh-ogoh, Luh Ayu Manik and Putu Nita were surprised to see the young people falling up and running around, and screaming in fear accompanied by asking for help. "Tulung-tulung ..." shouted Wayan. There are people who can walk. the body is tall and made of all kinds of plastic and cork. Instantly Luh Ayu Manik remembered I Wayan's behavior with and I Made who liked to throw away the trash when making ogoh-ogoh into the river this morning.

In Balinese


ogoh-ogoh, Luh
Englishmanic, ovaryIndonesianmanik, indung
Englishgrandson, the name for the first childIndonesiancucu, sebutan untuk anak pertama
Nita makesiab
Englishthe male teenagerIndonesiankelompok pemuda
Englishbreak (the rules)Indonesianlanggar (peraturan)
, sada
EnglishpardonIndonesianminta maaf
. Tulung-tulung , keto
Englishlike thatIndonesiandemikian
Englishthe name for the first childIndonesiansebutan untuk anak pertama
kraik-kraik. Ada
Englishthere areIndonesianada
Englishlarge statues of bamboo and paper in the form of bhuta kala or giants paraded around the village on certain days (usually the day before nyepi / pangrupukan)Indonesianpatung besar dr bambu dan kertas yg berbentuk buta kala atau raksasa yg diarak keliling desa pad hari tertentu (biasanya sehari menjelang nyepi)
majalan. Awakne
lan makaput
Englishwrapped upIndonesianterbungkus
, gabus
, lan botol
plastik. Prajani
Luh Ayu Manik inget
EnglishsignIndonesiantanda tangani
Englishname, kind of aIndonesiansang
Wayan ajak
I Made
Englishname, kind of aIndonesiannama anak kedua
Englishthe rest of somethingIndonesiansisa
Englishto makeIndonesianmembuat
ogoh-ogoh ke
Englishthe riverIndonesiansungai
Englishearly in the morningIndonesianpagi pagi sekali

In Indonesian

Saat berjalan pulang setelah menonton ogoh-ogoh, Luh Ayu Manik dan Putu Nita terkejut melihat para muda-mudi lari tunggang langgang, dan berteriak ketakutan sembari meminta pertolongan. "Tolong-tolong..." Demikian Wayan berteriak-teriak. Ada ogoh-ogoh bisa berjalan. Badannya tinggi besar dan terbuat dari segala macam plastik dan gabus. Seketika Luh Ayu Manik ingat dengan perbuatan I Wayan dan I Made yang membuang sampah sisa saat membuat ogoh-ogoh ke sungai tadi pagi.


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  • Review by: A.A. Ari Laksemi
This is a very nice story about environment. Sad to know that many people are not aware about plastic pollution. Through this story, we can encourage young children, teenager, and society to help caring the environment by reducing the use of plastic, managing the trash, and taking action in cleaning up the rubbish in our environment.
  • Review by: Made Agung Ari Yasa
Luh Ayu Manik Mas as a young girl who care about her environment and mentioned in this book in title Defender of the Environment is such a wonderful character for me. The story was written by I Putu Supartika and sponsored by The Asia Foundation’s Let’s Read Program. It was published by Yayasan Basabali Wiki in 2019.

The story which tell about a young girl who tried to preserve her environment after understanding the dangerous of plastic using from her teacher at school. She was unable to tell the youth group who threw their plastic waste to the river in the process of making Ogoh-ogoh. They just threw not only their plastic waste but all material like cans, bottles, leftover foam carelessly to the river that made the river became blocked because of the rubbish piled up in it and the river overflowed onto the edge of the road. The night came, all the villager included Luh Ayu Manik and Putu Nita watched the Ogoh-ogoh parade on the main road. They were amazed but also frightened to see the ogoh-ogoh which looked sinister like giants with long, pointed tuck, messy hair and long nails. The young people cheered up while carrying the ogoh-ogoh accompanied by the sounds of Balinese gamelan. Thesky was getting darker and all the ogoh-ogoh had gone back to where they came from. Suddenly the young men around the bale angklung running over the place, screaming in fear and calling for help because there was an ogoh-ogoh could walk coming from the river. Everyone run to hide from this scary plastic ogoh-ogoh that spat out fire at everything it saw. Eventually, Luh Ayu Manik changed herself into Luh Ayu Manik Mas wearing a golden crown and golden clothes. She pulled out the sword that could spray water and extinguish the fire. The scary plastic giant could be defeated after saying a message to look after the river well. After that moment, all villagers were always preserved the rivers as a sacred river and never polluted it.

The author has given an early sing about what he will tell in the story. There is an important message the readers can get from the story. It can changed theirs point of view about how to care their environment. The plot is too easy to follow so we can easily enjoy the story while drinking a cup of tea. It makes the story becomes enjoyable and worth to read.
  • Review by: Ni Luh Made Merriyanthi
This story as about a teenage female student named Luh Ayu Manik Mas who doesn’t know the danger of plastic waste until her teacher named Pak Budi told her. This girl also can turn to be a superhero who fight against the monster. The monster was angry because the villagers do not treat the environment well.

In terms of character, the main one is Luh Ayu Manik Mas, she is a Balinese female junior high school student who can turn into a superhero with golden suit and sword. She fight against monster with her sword and protect people. There are also friends and teacher of Luh Ayu Manik Mas, Pak Budi. The plot of the story is quite simple since the target of the readers are children. It is easy to understand and there is a orientation where the setting is explained, the rise of the problem, the climax and the resolution. It is interesting story because the writer bring a new one by presenting a teenage superhero for the children do love superhero. This story is full of message namely, the danger of plastic bag, how do we reduce the use of it by replacing it with cloth, the teacher as role model to tell the information. The message also comes up in symbol. As we can read in the story, the danger or plastic waste in symbolize by character of “ogoh-ogoh” monster. In the end, the villagers also realize that they were wrong and change the habit.

As a comic book for children, it has lack variety of picture. The picture is not really represent the story and the children might get boring with the quality of the draw.
  • Review by: Ni Putu Ari Kusumayanti
This story entitled Luh Ayu Manik Mas, Defender of the Environments was written by I Putu Supartika is kind of motivational story that was able to succeed in making both amazed and aroused the desire to read until the end. Moreover, this story was able to present about the recent condition of our environment. Many people throw plastic trash carelessly into the river. By reading this story, people will definitely keep their environment in a good way. As this book contains the message and religious meaning, it will provide a warning to protect the environment. Finally, it remains sturdy and sustainable.

One morning, Luh Ayu Manik was very busy looking for something in the kitchen. Her mother asked what she wanted to find. Then, Luh Ayu Manik said she wanted to get plastic for the offering but her mother suggest her to use small woven basket as the container. When she got home from school that day, she decided to watch TV even though it was not usual for her to watch TV after school. When she turned the TV on, the program was not very interesting so she picked up the remote control and searched for a good program. She changed the channel three times and then she saw an ad on the station she was watching. The aim of the ad was to encourage Balinese people to reduce the use of plastic bags … particularly now that there are regulations in place. She turned the TV off after watching the ad, changed her clothes and then had something to eat. While she was eating, she thought of reasons why she should use less plastic … even though she thought that plastic had many uses, for example, as a bag for carrying shopping and as a container for taking offerings to school when there is a full moon. Furthermore, using plastic makes work easier. No fuss … after you have used it, you just throw it in the trash. She thought about such things all the way through her meal. She kept thinking about the message she had seen on TV, and so decided to talk to her mother about it. When her mother arrived home, Luh asked her about it. But her mother told her to ask her teacher. She ran into her teacher and asked you about plastic. Her teacher explained that This is because plastic, if dumped thoughtlessly, can pollute the environment, poison the fish in the ocean and it takes a long time to decompose. This is unlike the leaves of that break down quickly explained Pak Budi. While Luh Ayu Manik and Putu Nita were walking towards the market, they stopped briefly in front of the bale angklung, the pavilion where the gamelan instruments are kept. There Luh Ayu Manik and Putu Nita saw several people from the youth group throw a lot of plastic waste into the river. But it was not only plastic waste. They also saw young men throwing away the leftover foam materials from making ogoh-ogoh. Suddenly she heard someone shouted for asking help but at that time of night the village was very quiet and nobody was in the street. Like an ogoh-ogoh, it was tall and its body was large but its whole body was covered in plastic, foam and plastic bottles. Its eyes burned like fire and its tongue was very long and touched the ground. Its fangs were long, pointed and sharp. Seeing what was happening, Luh Ayu Manik told Putu Nita to hide in the bushes. And Luh Ayu Manik was also looking for a hiding place to change herself into Luh Ayu Manik Mas wearing a golden crown and golden clothes. Ohhhh ... you humans are all the same! Do not throw away your rubbish thoughtlessly, especially into the river. This is a sacred place. You should really look after this river so that it is always clean and unpolluted. The plastic giant then disappeared. And Luh Ayu Manik Mas quickly changed back into Luh Ayu Manik Mas and called her friend, Putu Nita.

Consequently, based on the story we can learn that It’s convenient as ever to be green. Every single day human ingenuity brings new and simple solutions to the pollution problem that is easy for anyone to switch to. The state of our planet is at stake but the changes we can make to help are growing every day, we only need to reach out and make them. Remember, if we do not act now, the future generation will face serious consequences.
  • Review by: I Kadek Suastika
Reading these three heroin story books have awaken my personal interest in looking back to the cultural and moral values delivered in my family, mouth to mouth from generation to generation. This essay would review those three books form their successfulness in bringing up the moral and cultural value in this millennial era.

To begin with, these three books contain a similar pattern of way telling the story or rising the conflict to catch the readers’ attention. In fact, this story always brings the “demon” part in every chance of the story in rising the conflict, such as using the demon mask, the plastic monster as well as the employed the snake, pig and demon tiger in the story. in my point of view, this strategy was taken into action as the writers are willing to reintroduce the cultural value that the Balinese already owned from generation to generation which might be already start to be disregarded by the millennial generation nowadays. Moreover, the writers are brave enough to take it back into the story even though, the existence of ghost or spirit would not be a taboo thing in this sophisticated technological era. However, I do really appreciate this effort to make us aware that the way of this demonization aspect is successful enough to protect our world especially, in the Balinese philosophy of life for decades or even centuries.

To sum up, this story would be the appropriate way to develop both to preserve our cultural life as well as the world in general terms.
  • Review by: Luh Desi Ani
The stories of Luh Ayu Manik Mas are very good stories to tell to the children since they are suitable and they have similarities to our every day lives. The story in title "Luh Ayu Manik Pahlawan Lingkungan" or "Luh Ayu Manik, the Defender of the Environment" in particular is giving good role model for the children. It gives us motivation to help maintaining the environment because a well kept environment, without plastic and trash everywhere will make our world a better place to live. Plastic trash is our enemy now in Bali and by reading the book, children will acknowledge the danger of the plastic trash. I just hope that more writers are able to write stories like this. Children are more motivated to read, Bahasa Bali will be preserved and there are moral values behind the stories that are good for the development of our children's attitudes especially their point of view on how to keep the environment clean.


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