Robert Kiyosaki

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Full Name
Robert Kiyosaki
Pen Name
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Link to Photograph,was%20born%20in%20Hilo%2C%20Hawaii.&text=In%201975%20Kiyosaki%20left%20the,as%20a%20Xerox%20machine%20salesperson.
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In English

Robert Kiyosaki is truly a multi-talented personality. He is an entrepreneur, investor, motivational speaker, author and also a financial knowledge activist. He is very popular for his series of books called ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’. His book series ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ is an international bestseller. It is basically a comparison between his two ‘dads’; one was his poor biological father and the other ‘fictitious’ rich dad. The poor father was in fact very educated but had no money but the rich father was a high school dropout but was in fact ‘Hawaii’s richest man’. Robert Kiyosaki has appeared on television several times including on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), KOCE, California, WLIW of New York and New Jersey area and his fund raising drive.

In Balinese

Robert Kiyosaki wantah yakti anak sane madue akeh pisan kabisan. Ipun dados wirausahawan, investor, narawakya motivasi, pangripta miwah taler aktivis kaweruhan financial. Ipun kasub antuk bukunipun sane mamurda Rich Dad Poor Dad .

Bukune punika dados bestsellet internasional. Ring buku punika ipun maosin indik panyaih kalih bapan ipun: sane asiki wantah bapa rupakan ipune sane dumun tiwas, sane malih asiki wantah bapa panulaman imajinasi sane sugih. Bapan ipun sane tiwas puniki ngambel pendidikan sane tegeh, nanging nenten akeh madue jinah. Sakewanten, bapa panulaman ipune nika wantah tamatan SMA nanging dados wong pinih sugih ring Hawaii. Robert Kiyosaki sampun akeh pisan masuk TV, minakadi ring acara Public Broadcasting Service PBS , KOCE, California, WLIW New York miwah New Jersey, taler ring acara penggalangan dana ipune.

In Indonesian

Robert Kiyosaki benar-benar kepribadian yang multi talenta. Ia adalah seorang pengusaha, investor, pembicara motivasi, penulis dan juga aktivis pengetahuan keuangan. Dia sangat populer untuk seri bukunya yang berjudul 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. Seri bukunya 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' adalah buku terlaris internasional. Ini pada dasarnya adalah perbandingan antara kedua 'ayah'-nya; yang satu adalah ayah kandungnya yang malang dan yang lainnya adalah ayah kaya 'fiktif'. Ayah miskin sebenarnya sangat berpendidikan tetapi tidak punya uang tetapi ayah kaya adalah seorang putus sekolah menengah tetapi sebenarnya adalah 'orang terkaya di Hawaii'. Robert Kiyosaki telah muncul di televisi beberapa kali termasuk di Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), KOCE, California, WLIW wilayah New York dan New Jersey dan penggalangan dana.

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