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Pura Agung Manik Batu

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Pura Agung Manik Batu
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    Information about place


    In English

    Manik Batu Temple is located in the Subak Kerdung area, Pedungan, Denpasar. This Manik Batu Temple is included in the category of swagina temples or functional temples, precisely as a subak temple as a place of worship to Dewi Sri. However, this temple can also be categorized as a public temple because there are several manifestations of God who are also worshiped in this temple such as Tri Murti (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) and their consorts (Sarasvati, Sri, and Uma/Durga), ashire for Ratu Gede Dalem Nusa and Goddess Gwan Yin.

    In Balinese

    Pura Manik Batu magenah ring wewengkon Subak Kerdung, Pedungan, Denpasar. Pura Agung Manik Batu puniki inggih punika soroh pura swagina utawi pura subak pinaka linggih Dewi Sri. Sakewanten pura puniki dados kasengguh pura umum santukan wenten makudang-kudang sesuunan sane malinggih irika, minakadi Tri Murti Brahma, Wisnu, Siwa kasarengin olih saktin ida Dewi Sarasvati, Dewi Sri, Dewi Uma Durga miwah Pesimpangan Ratu Gede Dalem Nusa miwah Dewi Kwan Im.

    In Indonesian

    Pura Manik Batu terletak di kawasan Subak Kerdung, Pedungan, Denpasar. Pura Manik Batu ini termasuk dalam kategori pura swagina atau pura fungsional tepatnya sebagai pura subak sebagai tempat pemujaan kepada Dewi Sri. Walaupun demikian, pura ini bisa juga dikategorikan sebagai pura umum karena terdapat beberapa manifestasi Tuhan yang turut dipuja di pura ini seperti Tri Murti (Brahma, Wisnu, Siwa) beserta Sakti-nya (Dewi Sarasvati, Dewi Sri, Dewi Uma/ Durga ), Pesimpangan Ratu Gede Dalem Nusa dan Dewi Kwan Im.