1 - Luh Ayu Manik Mas, Tresna ring Alas

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Revision as of 04:56, 7 February 2020 by Ketut Mayasa (talk | contribs)
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Video by: Ari Laksemi

In English

The forest has been laid bare. The trees have been cut down and the wood taken away. Luh Ayu Manik and her friends are deeply saddened to see the forest destroyed. There is a police post in the middle of the forest but, despite this, the thieves are still able to steal wood. Luh Ayu Manik and her friends have come up with a plan to catch the thieves. But unfortunately, their plan has been foiled. And now the thieves are chasing them with a chainsaw. What will happen to Luh Ayu Manik and her friends?

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Hutan telah gundul. Pohon-pohon kayu habis dibabat. Luh Ayu Manik dan teman-temannya sedih melihat hutan yang rusak. Di tengah hutan ada pos polisi, tapi tetap ada penjahat yang mencuri kayu. Luh Ayu Manik dan teman-temannya bersepakat untuk menangkap pencuri tersebut. Celakanya, akal-akalan mereka ketahuan. Para pencuri mengejar mereka sembari mengacungkan gergaji mesin. Bagaimana jadinya Luh Ayu Manik dan teman-temannya?


(change interface language in upper right corner to see reviews in other languages)

  • Review by: Maya Seruni Jacobsen
I like Luh Ayu Manik because she helps the environment and cares for it.
  • Review by: A.A. Ari Laksemi
This story is very good because it tells about the positive action that can be done by teenagers in preserving the forest. It reminds us to care about plants, trees, and do something for our environments.


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