Little : Bon Peak
Bon Peak, is a place of worship which is located at the top of the Bon right at its peak. before we get to the top we go through a densely forested road, many people climb there or even climbers who come there. Everyone who wants to go there is always warned to maintain cleanliness there so that the natural order is maintained, besides maintaining the natural order we also learn to respect the residents there too. Of course we as Balinese believe in the condition of other inhabitants in this world, so we should respect them
Judul : Puncak Bon
Puncak Bon, merupakan tempat persembahyangan yang terletak dipuncak bon persis di puncaknya. sebelum sampai diatasnya kita melalui jalan yang berhutan nan lebat, banyak orang yang tangkil kesana atau pun pendaki yang datang kesana. Setiap orang yang mau kesana selalu di wanti wanti untuk menjaga kebersihan disana agar tatanan alam terjaga, selain menjaga tatanan alam kita juga belajar untuk menghormati penghuni disana juga. Sudah semestinya kita sebagai orang bali yang percaya akan keadaan penghuni lain didunia ini maka kita sudah semestinya menghormati mereka
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