Property:English equivalent

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 100 pages using this property.
maintain  +
per measure of lime, palm sugar  +
prohibition  +
fire  +
fire  +
a fire that is placed on two pieces of coconut husk which are placed crosswise, the one above is facedown, covering the bottom, is used during the yadnya blind ceremony  +
mangrove  +
red in the skin folds (neck, thighs, etc.) due to prickly heat  +
avalanche  +, slide  +
tidy  +
treated  +, cared  +, maintained  +
unit weight  +, one 'pikul'  +, 62,5 kilogram  +
cheating  +
although  +
the fire  +
light (v)  +
a bunch  +, a bundle  +
once  +
niches  +, space  +, in between  +
flanked by a river  +, between the river  +
beam  +
loom parts  +
upload  +
avocado  +
a set of  +
good  +, hope  +
lime  +
fire  +
persuade  +
hair  +
fool  +, plating  +
hair  +
pull  +
tell  +
announcement  +
instructions  +
white lotus  +
brandy  +
forest  +
name  +
wide  +, rare  +
forest  +
poultice  +
letter  +
red lotus  +
ground fault  +, half  +
kiss  +
people  +
charcoal  +
palm tree  +
front  +
in front of  +
banana shoots  +, vegetables are made from banana shoots  +
brother  +
placenta  +
day, kind of a  +, brothers  +, sister  +,
tiger  +
deer  +
sleepy  +
calm  +, soundlyt (about sleep)  +, breeze  +
sickle  +, knife, kind of a  +
sickle  +
dance-drama  +
greedy  +
the sea  +
cry  +
rice  +
satisfaction  +
property  +
property  +
meaning  +
translate  +
meaning  +
rice  +
feared  +
scent  +
sea  +
tug  +
smooth  +
bed  +
even  +
same  +
source  +
forest  +
how much  +, as is  +
so much  +, like that  +, that much  +
this way  +, this much  +, like this  +
sick  +
one month  +
flat  +, dry  +
just  +
day, kind of a  +
sour  +
smoke  +
incense sticks  +
invulnerable  +
half  +
friendly  +
crop  +, result  +
good  +