Krisis Macet ring Kodya, Transportasi Umum Solusinya!

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Krisis Macet ring Kodya, Transportasi Umum Solusinya!
SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar
High School
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In English

In Balinese

Denpasar wantah kota sane kaloktah ring turis domestik lan mancanegara antuk kasugihan budaya, tradisi lan tongos wisata sane becik. Sakewanten santukan Denpasar akeh ring turis lan jadma sane padet, kondisi lalu lintas ring kota niki setata macet lan ngandet. Asep knalpot ngaenang polusi udara, terik matan ai, montor lan mobil mejejer ten ngidang maju suba dadi paundukan sane lumrah ring Denpasar. Punika lakar ngaenang makudang-kudang jadmane kerasa entuk, inguh, taler nganggu kahuripan sewai-wai krama ring Denpasar.

In Indonesian

<ul><li>Property "SummaryTopic" (as page type) with input value "Denpasar is a city that is sought after by both domestic and international tourists, because it's rich with cultures, traditions, and unique travelling spots. However, because Denpasar is filled with locals and visiting tourists, the traffic condition in this iconic city is often jammed and congested. This is the solution that can be implemented." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "SummaryTopic id" (as page type) with input value "Denpasar adalah kota yang sering dikunjungi oleh turis domestik maupun mancanegara karena kekayaan budaya, tradisi dan destinasi wisatanya yang memukau. Namun, karena Denpasar sangat padat oleh penduduk dan turis yang berkunjung, kondisi lalu lintas di kota ini sering macet dan terhambat. Berikut ini adalah solusi yang bisa dilakukan." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "SummaryTopic ban" (as page type) with input value "Denpasar wantah kota sane kaloktah ring turis domestik lan mancanegara antuk kasugihan budaya, tradisi lan tongos wisata sane becik. Sakewanten santukan Denpasar akeh ring turis lan jadma sane padet, kondisi lalu lintas ring kota niki setata macet lan ngandet. Punika wenten solusi sane ngidang kalaksanayang." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>