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Episode 19 - Makejang Ulian Barong Brutuk

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Episode 19 - Makejang Ulian Barong Brutuk
Ida Bagus Arya Lawa Manuaba
Property "Writer" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.BASAbali Wiki (in cooperation with Radio Swara Teknika Singaraja)
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In English

One of the obligations of a lecturer is to find inspiration for scientific writing. This episode features Pak Putu Sabda Jayendra who researches Barong Brutuk in Terunyan. In this podcast, he will talk about his experience. Let's listen together.

In Balinese

Silih tunggil swadharman anake dadi dosen anak mula ngalih inspirasi tulisan ilmiah. Ne jani ada silih tunggil dosen produktif, Pak Putu Sabda Jayendra adane. Dane neliti Barong Brutuk di Terunyan. Liu pesan pengalamane. Dini ragane nyatua. Mai dingehang bareng-bareng.

In Indonesian

Salah satu kewajiban sorang dosen memang adalah mencari inspirasi untuk tulisan ilmiah. Dalam episode ini ada seorang dosen produktif. Nama beliau Pak Putu Sabda Jayendra. Beliau meneliti Barong Brutuk di Terunyan. Banyak sekali pengalaman beliau. Dalam podcast ini, beliau akan bercerita. Mari dengarkan bersama-sama.