Perfume Business in the Pandemic

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WhatsApp Image 2021-06-06 at 20.05.04.jpeg
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    In English

    During the Covid-19 pandemic, it was difficult for everyone to find income. As a young entrepreneur who sells cheap perfume and face masks, I invite young people to sell perfume and face masks. During the pandemic, this business is quite convincing and can help improve the economy of young people who have not found work. Hopefuly, my business is selling well and has many resellers. who have a trading spirit, this business can be tried to increase our income.

    In Balinese

    In Indonesian

    Di Masa pandemi covid-19 semua susah mencari pemasukan, saya selaku wirausaha muda yang menjual parfum murah dan masker wajah, mengajak para anak muda untuk menjual parfum dan masker wajah. dimasa pandemi usaha ini cukup meyakinkan dan bisa membantu meningkatkan perekonomian para anak muda yang belum mendapatkan pekerjaan. Astungkara usaha saya ini laris dan banyak memiliki resseler. yang memiliki jiwa berdagang, usaha ini bisa dicoba untuk menambah uang jajan