I Bujang Katak

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In English

A young man lived who resembled a frog. He dreamed of wanting to marry the king's daughter. When applying, only the youngest daughter is willing to marry her. Reluctant to give blessing, the King gave very difficult conditions. Will the Bujang Katak succeed in marrying the king's daughter?

In Balinese

Ada anak muani ane mesib katak. Ia dot pesan nganten ajak putrin sang raja. Dugase lakar nyuang, tuah putri ane paling cenika ane nyak ajaka nganten. Krana tusing ngemaang, raja ngicen uar-uar sane keweh pesan. Nyidangke I Bujang Katak nganten ajak sang putri?

In Indonesian

Hiduplah seorang pemuda yang mirip seekor katak. Ia bermimpi ingin menikahi putri raja. Ketika melamar, hanya putri bungsu yang bersedia menikahinya. Karena enggan memberi restu, Raja memberi persyaratan yang sangat sulit. Akankah Bujang Katak berhasil mempersunting putri raja?


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Property "SummaryTopic" (as page type) with input value "A young man lived who resembled a frog. He dreamed of wanting to marry the king's daughter. When applying, only the youngest daughter is willing to marry her. Reluctant to give blessing, the King gave very difficult conditions. Will the Bujang Katak succeed in marrying the king's daughter?" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.