- Clever; Expert; Skilled (Alus singgih) en
- Pandai ; Ahli ; Terampil (Alus singgih) id
“Tiang ngukir uling SD. Tiang muruk jumah. Mbok tiang nguruka. Ngukir ringring maan upah 20 ribu. Sambilan ngempu nika.”
Inggih, asapunika prasida atur uningayang titiang indik kawentenan seni ukir ring Desa Kukuh.“I have been carving since Elementary School. I learned at home. My older sister taught me. Carving a ringring* gets me about twenty thousand Rupiah. I do it while looking after my children.” So that’s what I can tell you about the art of carving in Kukuh.
•Elaborately carved decorative edges for buildings, often painted.“Saya mengukir sedari SD. Saya belajar di rumah. Kakak perempuan saya yang mengajari saya. Mengukir ringring (ukiran tirai) mendapat upah 20 ribu. Itu sambil mengasuh anak.”
Baik, demikianlah saya informasikan tentang keberadaan seni ukir di Desa Kukuh.individual strengths in the form of groups / groups), strength of cooperation,
intellectual strength, and shared strength to comply with and apply the principles of empowerment.Property "Balinese word" (as page type) with input value "w g) d/." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.