Gumi Kedas

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Gumi Kedas
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      In English

      Om swastyastu , at various countries on year 2020 there is something called 'covid 19'. The impact that occurred that are positive impact and negative impact that are called 'rwa bhineda'.

      Indonesian especially BALI. I feel there are positive impact and negative impact, the positive impact that I felt there is no air population because the people retstriced with PKM.

      Come on guys we keep take care of health , we could do drink lots of water and bask in the morning

      Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om.

      In Balinese

      In Indonesian

      Om swastyastu, di berbagai negara tahun 2020 ini ada yang dinamakan covid 19. Dampak yang dirasakan ada dampak positif dan negatif yang kita namakan 'rwa bhineda'.

      Indonesia khususnya BALI. Yang sangat dirasakan adalah tidak adanya polusi udara karena warga dibatasi oleh PKM.

      Ayo semua bersama sama menjaga kesehatan seperti rajin minum air dan berjemur di pagi hari.

      Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om