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Episode 17 - Pikobet tur Prikrama Mahasiswa Milenial

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Episode 17 - Pikobet tur Prikrama Mahasiswa Milenial
Gus Arya
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    In English

    Komang Adi Sudarta has many achievements. Even though he doesn't always win, the most important thing for him is friends and relations. He becomes a finalist for the 2020 Bali Green Ambassador, and is also active in the Denpasar Branch of KMHDI. As a final semester student, he has a unique story that he wants to share with all of you.

    In Balinese

    Komang Adi Sudarta akeh madue prestasi. Yadiastun nenten satata polih juara, sane pinih mabuat wantah prakanti miwah paiketan pasametonan. Dane dados finalis Duta Hijau Bali 2020, taler aktif ring KMHDI Cabang Denpasar. Pinaka mahasiswa semester ageng, dane madue satua unik sane pacang karembugang sareng sameton iriki.

    In Indonesian

    Komang Adi Sudarta banyak punya prestasi. Meskipun tak selalu juara, yang penting buat dia adalah teman dan relasi. Dia menjadi finalis Duta Hijau Bali 2020, dan juga aktif di KMHDI Cabang Denpasar. Sebagai mahasiswa semester akhir, dia punya cerita unik yang ingin dibagikannya kepada Sobat semua.