Museum Bali

From BASAbaliWiki
Name of Place
Museum Bali
Pemerintah Kota Denpasar
        Children's Books
          Holidays and Ceremonies

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          Information about place

          In English

          The Bali Museum is an introduction to Balinese culture and history. The exterior walls, courtyards, and gates are designed in a typical puri or royal style in Denpasar. There are four pavilions in the museum complex. The pavilions in this place represent various districts in Bali, namely the Karangasem building, the Tabanan building, and the Buleleng building. The initial idea to establish a state museum for the province of Bali Denpasar, came from a person named W.F.J Kroon.

          In Balinese

          In Indonesian

          Museum Bali dikenal sebagai penanda kebudayaan dan sejarah masyarakat Bali. Eksterior dinding, halaman, dan gerbang dirancang dengan gaya khas puri atau kerajaan di Denpasar. Ada empat paviliun di kompleks museum. Paviliun di tempat ini mewakili berbagai kabupaten di Bali yaitu gedung Karangasem, gedung Tabanan, dan gedung Buleleng. Ide awal untuk mendirikan museum negeri propinsi Bali Denpasar, datang dari seorang yang bernama W.F.J Kroon.