Gde Hariwangsa

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Gde Hariwangsa
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In English

Hartanto alias Gde Hariwangsa was born in Surakarta, 1958. He has lived in Bali since the 1980s. He has been writing poetry since middle school. His works have been published in Bali Post, Nusa Tenggara, Suara Karya, Suara Renewal, Tempo, Hai, Ceria, Basis, Femina, Indonesian Women, and the CAK Cultural Journal. His book of poetry is entitled Ladrang (1995). His poetry is also compiled in the book Dendang Denpasar, Nyiur Sanur (2012), The Beloved Mother (2021). He has also written art books, including Arie Smit Hunting the Light of Bali (2000), Siluhet Perempuan (2000), Tree of Life (2018). Previously he worked as a journalist for Matra magazine and later chose to become a farmer in the northern Bali area.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Hartanto alias Gde Hariwangsa lahir di Surakarta, 1958. Menetap di Bali sejak 1980-an. Dia menulis puisi sejak SMP. Karyanya dimuat di Bali Post, NusaTenggara, Suara Karya, Suara Pembaharuan, Tempo, Hai, Ceria, Basis, Femina, Wanita Indonesia, dan Jurnal Kebudayaan CAK. Buku puisi tunggalnya berjudul Ladrang (1995). Puisinya juga terhimpun dalam buku Dendang Denpasar, Nyiur Sanur (2012), Ibunda Tercinta (2021). Dia juga menulis buku seni rupa, antara lain Arie Smit Memburu Cahaya Bali (2000), Siluhet Perempuan (2000), Tree of Life (2018). Pernah bekerja sebagai wartawan majalah Matra. Belakangan dia memilih menjadi petani di kawasan Bali utara.

Examples of work

Elegi Sebuah Kedai
Lapangan Tiananmen