The COVID - 19 pandemic has a huge impact on the lives of Balinese citizens. The aim of this study is to find the right steps and frameworks that reduce the spread and death caused by COVID - 19 as quickly as possible with minimum impact on the socioeconomic sustainability of the island. Preventive measures are needed, especially for the Field
Facilitator Staff as the front guard, so that the BSPS program channelled adequately.
The key to smooth distribution, in addition to the precise mechanism, must also follow
the government's recommendations and implement health protocols. The results show that the population and employment structure of Bali has
high potential for the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is due to the high level of
population mobility, both population mobility between regions within the country and
population mobility between countries. The second cause is the Balinese population
structure consists of many elderly people, thus causing a high potential case fatality
rate from a pandemic. Based on the results of the study, it is recommend minimize the
possibility of the spread of covid-19 through the first and second rapid tests involving
as many residents that potential to be covid-19 deployment carrier, both through local
transmission and imported cases.
Pandemi Covid-19 sampun mapengrabda lintang limbak mantuka ring kauripan prajanane ring Bali. Tatujon sasuratan puniki inggih punika mangdennye kapanggihin pamargi lan framework sane pastika mawastu panglimbak lan fatalitas sane kawetuang olih panyungkan Covid-19 prasida katunayang sagelise mangdennye pikobet selanturnyane ngeninin ekonomi lan sosial prasida kapekirangin.
Pandemi COVID - 19 telah berdampak luas terhadap kehidupan masyarakat
Bali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan langkah dan framework yang tepat
yang memungkinkan persebaran dan fatalitas dari kasus persebaran COVID - 19 dapat
ditekan secepat dan seminimal mungkin, sehingga dampak lanjutan terhadap ekonomi
sosial dapat ditekan. Penelitian didasarkan pada data sekunder terpublis yang
dikumpulkan dari hasil observasi yang diolah secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari struktur kependudukan dan
ketenagakerjaan Bali memiliki potensi tinggi untuk persebaran pandemi COVID-19
disebabkan karena tingkat mobilitas penduduk yang tinggi, baik antar wilayah di dalam
negeri, maupun antar negara, kedua struktur penduduk Bali yang sudah tergolong tua
sangat potensial mempercepat potensi tingginya case fatality rate dari pandemi. Berdasarkan hasil studi tersebut direkomendasikan untuk memperketat
kemungkinan penyebaran melalui rapid test pertama dan kedua menyangkut
sebanyak-banyaknya penduduk yang berpotensi sebagai carrier penyebaran COVID19, baik melalui transmisi lokal maupun imported case.
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