I Nengah Jati

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I Nengah Jati
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I Nengah Jati
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Ubud, Gianyar, Bali
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In English

He is I Nengah Jati, he is usually called Jati. He was born in the same undisan, bangli on October 5, 1990. He comes from bangli but now resides in Ubud. Regarding his educational history, he graduated from SMK TP 45 Bangli and then continued his undergraduate studies in Balinese at the State Hindu University I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa and for the achievements he had achieved, he was the champion of writing Balinese poetry. After completing his education he is currently working as a Balinese language instructor.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Dia adalah I Nengah Jati, dia biasa disapa Jati. Ia lahir di sama undisan, bangli pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1990. Ia berasal dari bangli tetapi sekarang tinggal di Ubud. Mengenai riwayat pendidikannya, ia lulus dari SMK TP 45 Bangli kemudian melanjutkan studi S1 ​​bahasa Bali di Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa dan atas prestasi yang telah diraihnya, ia menjadi juara menulis puisi Bali. Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikannya saat ini ia bekerja sebagai penyuluh bahasa Bali.

I Nengah Jati

Examples of work

Tungtung Urip
He has one of the kidung literary works entitled tungtung urip, tungtung urip himself tells how the situation and conditions from the covid-19 pandemic are, how the condition of the community in dealing with the virus must always think positively and always comply with health protocols.

Buku Karya Terpilih Sastra Saraswati Sewana Puri Kauhan Ubud [Halaman 478]