I Made Mahadi Sanatana

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I Made Mahadi Sanatana
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I Made Mahadi Sanatana
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In English

Dr. I Made Mahadi Sanatana, S.STP, MAP is a bureaucrat who carries out duties at the Bali Province Regional Civil Service Agency, has attended HR management training and certification, competency assessor training. Currently he also serves as a human resources assessor at the Bali Provincial UPT Assessment Center. Several times appointed as a resource person in HR management training and as a lecturer in the field of public administration. Completed doctoral education in economics at Udayana University with a concentration in institutional economics. CHRM certified from BNSP.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Dr. I Made Mahadi Sanatana, S.STP, MAP Merupakan birokrat yang melaksanakan tugas di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Bali, pernah mengikuti pelatihan dan sertifikasi manajemen SDM, pelatihan asesor kompetensi. Saat ini juga bertugas sebagai asesor sumber daya manusia di UPT Assessment Centre Prov Bali. Beberapa kali ditunjuk sebagai narasumber pada pelatihan manajemen SDM dan pengajar bidang administrasi publik. Menyelesaikan pendidikan S3 ilmu ekonomi Universitas Udayana konsentrasi ekonomi kelembagaan. Tersertifikasi CHRM dari BNSP.

Examples of work

This study aims to analyze the urgency of the implementation of bureaucratic simplification through the transformation of positions on the effectiveness of governance in Indonesia, especially in Bali Province. This study uses qualitative research methods to obtain description of a phenomenon, thus encouraging a deep understanding of the substance of the phenomenon. The method of collecting data is through observation and literature study on the policy of bureaucratic simplification. Simplification of the bureaucracy through the transformation of positions is one of the positive efforts in this era of disruption in improving bureaucratic performance, but it must be carefully planned and structured and not carried out in a hurry without a clear concept. In the formation of agile culture, it requires leaders who are oriented towards creativity and innovation, emphasize the importance of adaptive and responsive performance, and focus on team collaboration and delegation of autonomy.
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