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A list of all pages that have property "English definition" with value "extra addition to original, extra (term used in basketry, ulat-ulatan, to refer to an extra element, usually in the upright or longitudinal structure, that is added after the basic pattern has been established in order to preserve symmetry or fill in otherwise empty spaces)". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Perbekel  + (village head)
  • Majenukan  + (visit, usually bringing a present)
  • Kekuwa  + (vulgar term for one's father, said jokingly to others)
  • Nundun  + (wake up someone by poking him)
  • Matangi  + (wake up, get up, be awake)
  • Glindeng  + (wander aimlessly)
  • Dii  + (warp threads of a cloth or other woven object (comp. pakan = weft threads))
  • Punggawa  + (wayang)
  • Gemba  + (weak, fragile, not strong enough for something (long term)
  • Ngaub  + (wearing something that totally covers body (Rangda, Barong))
  • Ekawara  + (week)
  • Cacakaran  + (wheel, roller, general term)
  • Sane  + (which; that as; first)
  • Rurub  + (white cloth that is placed over the pelengkungan before a cremation procession)
  • Rabi  + (wife, referring to someone else's wife)
  • Cok  + (win a bet if the result is a tie (cockfight term), odd)
  • Tektekan  + (windmill that makes this sound when it turns because of a clapper hitting a bungbung)
  • Abilan  + (wood)
  • Gebiog  + (wooden gate for field or corral (kandang) that has spaces through which one can see)
  • Ngayah  + (work without pay, contribute work, (temple))
  • Cacing  + (worm, tapeworm, found in stomach (may be used to refer to earthworm))
  • Ingka  + (woven objects, usually trays or small baskwoven objects, usually trays or small baskets, made of lidi, central leaf spines of coconut or Borassus palm leaves. The latter are more flexible and thus more suited to plaiting than lidi from coconut leaves. Flat ingka trays are sold in most village markets. Ingka baskets are a tourist item markets. Ingka baskets are a tourist item)
  • Ngaput  + (wrap up)
  • Milus  + (wring, wist so that twisted part does not return to its original position)
  • Bungkak  + (young coconut without meat, younger than kuwud, older than bungsil)
  • Anak  + (extra addition to original, extra (term usextra addition to original, extra (term used in basketry, ulat-ulatan, to refer to an extra element, usually in the upright or longitudinal structure, that is added after the basic pattern has been established in order to preserve symmetry or fill in otherwise empty spaces)ymmetry or fill in otherwise empty spaces))
  • Kecarum  + ((Labiatae))
  • Dwara  + (A Balinese term for 'gate' (airport).)
  • Madam  + (A Singaraja term for a dish served for ebat, consisting of nyuh matunu (grated coconut), chopped fried fat, and lemon grass) called lawar putih in some places)
  • Moreng  + (A mixture of cooked rice and vegetables, containing liquid (kuah) and spices)
  • Kawangde  + (A special term for airplane flight status: cancelled.)
  • Maduluran antuk  + (A user agent is a generic term for any program used for accessing a website. This includes browsers (such Internet Explorer or Netscape))
  • Brengkes  + (A variety of tum, wrapped in the same way A variety of tum, wrapped in the same way and steamed. Typically chicken, (siap) is chopped into small pieces, then ground (ngulig) on a spice grinding stone with basa genep. Clotted chicken blood is added, along with palm sugar (gula barak), lunak, and chicken bullion powder, (masako). All ingredients are ground together, wrapped and steamed. The appearance of brengkes is rather heterogeneous, and the blood often has a strong taste. The term brengkes may be used interchangeably with pelas and pesan in some parts of Baliwith pelas and pesan in some parts of Bali)
  • Geguden  + (An urab that one of the five main dishes of the ebat feast. Spices are boiled with santen until the mixture thickens, with coarsely shredded coconut and cooked turtle cartilage added. Don belimbing, star fruit tree leaves, adds a green color.)
  • Tur  + (And so forth, finally)
  • Dhatu  + (Balinese synonym for 'element'.)
  • Made  + (Birth order name of second born child)
  • Mesui  + (Cinnamomum, and the several named varieties of some of the species. Some have strong aromas characteristic of the genus)
  • Krupuk  + (Cracker that makes a crunching sound when eaten)
  • Benin  + (Fill in the peg)
  • Sang Hyang Widhi  + (God as the unification of all manifestatioGod as the unification of all manifestations of god into one single, all-powerful god, more or less equivalent to the Christian God and the Islamic Allah The term is emphasized by the Indonesian government so as to conform with that part of the national doctrine of Pancasila which states that there is only one god However, commonly and unofficially, most Balinese do not use the termicially, most Balinese do not use the term)
  • Leak Pokpokan  + (In the folklore of Bali, the Leyak (in IndIn the folklore of Bali, the Leyak (in Indonesian, people called it 'Leak' (le-ak)—the Y is not written or spoken) is a mythological figure in the form of flying head with entrails (heart, lung, liver, etc.) still attached. Leyak is said to fly trying to find a pregnant woman in order to suck her baby's blood or a newborn child. Leak pokpokan is the low-level of this creaturesokpokan is the low-level of this creatures)
  • Nunas baos  + (Lexically consists of the word nunas whichLexically consists of the word nunas which means to ask / beg and the word baos which means words / words. This term refers to a ritual to communicate with the existence of the supernatural world, usually balian or paranormal will try to communicate with spirits, gods and goddesses, bhatara bhatari or inviting the spirits of the ancestors from the family who come to them, with mystic abilities and spells. In this ritual, the body of Balian or Jero Dasaran will be possessed by the spirit or ancestor invited. After that the family members who come are welcome to ask questions or their purpose of inviting them to be present in the world. Questions generally revolve around the cause of a catastrophe, illness or death or other things that might be a wedge in their hearts.ngs that might be a wedge in their hearts.)
  • Engken  + (Morphologically is the basic form of interrogative categorization. In lexical semantics 'engken' means 'how')
  • Egar  + (Morphologically is the basic form that categorized adjectives. Semantically lexical 'egar' means joy.)
  • Ramyaksara  + (Ramyaksara is derived from old Javanese 'rRamyaksara is derived from old Javanese 'ramya' which means splendid, crowded, full of different things, etc. So, ramyaksara is a word having closest meaning to spectacular. There is no Balinese synonym for spectacular, so we borrow the term from the closest language, the old the closest language, the old Javanese.)
  • Auban  + (Rangda: name often used by Jimbaran people to refer to the Rangda)
  • Mbang  + (Sanghyang Mbang)
  • Embus  + (Semantically lexical 'embus' means open. Morphologically a basic form that categorized nouns.)
  • Silikaya jawa  + (Soursop (Annona muricata) contains proactiSoursop (Annona muricata) contains proactive compunds that are very useful to overcome cancer. In addition soursop fruit also serves as an anti-bacterial, anti fungi, effective against various types of parasites / worms, lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system. stress, and normalize the nervous system.)
  • Widang ater  + (Special term for 'drop zone' in an airport.)