- Apocynaceae, adenium. An ornamental tree not closely related to the other two types of frangipani and should not be confused with them en
- the pale pink to red trumpet-shaped flower is deeper than those of jepun Bali and jepun Jawa en
- not fragrant and not widely used for offerings en
- often planted as a decorative plant in and around hotels en

I am the Frangipani. My leaves and my sap are hot. My roots are medium. I can be used as a treatment for a sore back. Use my bark as an ointment ... grind it finely and apply it (to the back).
“Desa Gegelang, puniki wastanipune.” “Yen kadikan sekar, sekar apa gustin mamane.” “Sekar jepun, putih montok sarine ilang.” Buin ida malayar, lantas rauh ida di pesisin Dahane, ditu ida mataken teken anake mamancing, “Maman, maman mamancing desa apane adane?” “Desa Daha, punika wastanipune.” “Yen kadikan sekar, sekar apa gustin mamane?”
“Sekar cempaka, sari ilid miik ngalub”.Brantakan (1978) Masan Cengkehe Nedeng Mabunga (1978) Kuuk (1978) Lelakut (1999) Dukana Pujangga (2002) Saat Terakhir (2002) Demo (2003) Sepasrah Kisah di Goa Gajah (2004) Kirana (2005) Dewi Sakuntala Nembang Girang di Bukit Gersang (2008) Mabela Pati (2013) Kuuk (2013) Jepun Putih Akatih (2013) Mulih (2013) Dukana Pujangga (2013) Penggak(2013) Dadi Ati (2013)
Jayaprana Layonsari (2013)