Jalan sane usak

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Jalan sane usak
SMK PGRI 2 Badung
High School
Photo Credit/Source
I Kadek Ari Setiawan
Video Credit/Source
I Kadek Ari Setiawan
School/Org (if applicable)
Mambal br gumasih
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Election 2024: What are the most urgent issues for Bali's leader candidates to prioritize?

In English

On the damaged highway in Mambal, the Mambal highway is located on the road that passes through the Mambal market which is very damaged, many people say the road is suitable for trekking because it is damaged

In Balinese

Jalan raya ane uwug di mambal, jalan raya mambal tempat ne di jalan sane ngelewatin peken mambal to uwug sajan, bek anak e ngorang jalan ento cocok Anggo trek an ulian usak

In Indonesian

Di jalan raya yang rusak di mambal, jalan raya mambal tempat nya di jalan yang ngelewatin pasar mambal itu sangat rusak, banyak orang" bilang jalan itu cocok buat trek"an Karena rusak