How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • rice storage barn, square or four-sided with four posts (sasaka), work, eating or sleeping space below second floor (rice is usually stored on the second floor) en
  • lumbung padi bertiang empat id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect

Usage Examples

Putu Damayanti ajak memene masagi ka jinenge.
[example 1]
Putu Damayanti, together with her mother, serves food in the barn.

Padi sane sampun kaanyi kagenahang ring Jineng.
No translation exists for this example.

Pan Aji nulungin pekak menekin padi ka jineng.
No translation exists for this example.

Cara pekeber darane; padine di jineng masih telah.
[example 2]
[proverb] Like a flying pigeon; rice in the barn is still finished. Pigeons fly very far, but they generally come back home to get goods. They are fed by putting rice in the “jineng”. It would be better if they ate elsewhere, because they do not bring anything back with them. This refers to a person who has a job away from home, but who makes very little money at his job and does not have enough to eat, so he has to return to his home to get goods or other things.

[[Word example text en::[proverb] Like a flying pigeon; rice in the barn is still finished. Pigeons fly very far, but they generally come back home to get goods. They are fed by putting rice in the “jineng”. It would be better if they ate elsewhere, because they do not bring anything back with them. This refers to a person who has a job away from home, but who makes very little money at his job and does not have enough to eat, so he has to return to his home to get goods or other things.| ]]

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Puisi-puisinyane taler prasida kapanggihin ring makudang-kudang Antologi pasamudanan, minakadi: “Angin” (Teater Angin, Denpasar, 1997), “Catatan Kepedulian” (Jukut Ares, Tabanan, 1999), “Ginanti Pelangi” (Jineng Smasta, Tabanan, 1999), “Art and Peace” (Buratwangi, Denpasar, 2000), “Gelak Esai & Ombak Sajak Anno 2001” (Kompas, 2001), “Hijau Kelon & Puisi 2002” (Kompas, 2002), “Ning: Antologi Puisi 16 Penyair Indonesia” (Sanggar Purbacaraka, Denpasar, 2002), “Malaikat Biru Kota Hobart” (Logung Pustaka, 2004), “Roh: Kumpulan Puisi Penyair Bali-Jawa Barat” (bukupop, Jakarta, 2005), “Karena Namaku Perempuan” (FKY, 2005), “Selendang Pelangi” (Indonesia Tera, 2006), “Herbarium: Antologi Puisi 4 Kota” (Pustaka Pujangga, Lamongan, 2007), “Rainbow” (Indonesia Tera, 2008), “Couleur Femme” (Forum Jakarta-Paris & AF Denpasar, 2010).

In English:   Vivi has won a number of literary awards, including the "Best Five" small note competition held by the Jukut Ares Tabanan Community (1999), "Ten Best" poetry writing competition for high school students at the national level held by Jineng Smasta-Tabanan (1999), 2nd place in the competition poetry creation in the marine orientation week held by the Faculty of Letters Unud (1999), Art & Peace 1999 "Best Nine Poems", 2nd place in a poetry creation competition with the theme "Bali after the Kuta tragedy" (2003).

In Indonesian:   Vivi pernah meraih sejumlah penghargaan sastra, antara lain “Lima Terbaik” lomba catatan kecil yang digelar Komunitas Jukut Ares Tabanan (1999), “Sepuluh Terbaik” lomba cipta puisi pelajar SLTA tingkat nasional yang diadakan Jineng Smasta-Tabanan (1999), Juara II lomba cipta puisi dalam pekan orientasi kelautan yang diadakan Fakultas Sastra Unud (1999), “Sembilan Puisi Terbaik” Art & Peace 1999, Juara II lomba cipta puisi dengan tema “Bali pasca tragedi Kuta” (2003).

In Balinese:   Duaning ring masa modern puniki akidik jerone maduwe lumbung utawi jineng, krama Baline maaturan ring sawah utawi pulu.

In English:   On Umanis Friday of Kelawu, it is the time for the Balinese to worship Goddess Sri.

In Indonesian:   Karena di zaman modern lumbung padi sudah jarang, masyarakat Bali merayakan hari Bhatari Sri di sawah atau di pulu (tempat beras tradisional).

In Balinese:   Ring rahina puniki, krama Baline maaturan ring jineng (lumbung), nunas waranugraha ring Bhatari Sri maka dewaning padi pinaka dasaring ajeng-ajengan.

In English:   Therefore, the Balinese worship Goddess Sri and Lord Visnu as Bhatara Sri Sedana.

In Indonesian:   Karena itu, masyarakat Bali memuja pasangan Sri dan Wisnu sebagai Bhatara Sri Sedana.
  1. I Made Sugianto, Sing Jodoh (novel, 2013)
  2. Fred Eiseman Jr - Proverbs, 1987