
From BASAbaliWiki
l m k/
Other forms of "lamak"
  • ron, the leaf of beluluk or sugar palm, or ental, lontar leaf en
  • palm leaf mat, usually in the form of a long strip that may be up to several meters in length, decorated with colored cut-outs, and used to decorate many kinds of shrines, such as those used with penjors, or other objects - even automobile grilles when the cars are blessed en
  • hiasan pura (palinggih) yang terbuat dari janur, bentuknya memanjang ke bawah, dan biasanya dipasang di depan palinggih id
  • hiasan penutup dada yang digunakan oleh seorang penari "legong" atau "arja" id
Translation in English
Translation in Indonesian
selembar kain atau kulit berperada persegi panjang yg digunakan untuk menutupi bagian dada penari, spt jauk, legong kraton, dan bans
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Sentences Example
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i meme ngae lamak anggon galungan
ibu membuat "lamak" untuk hari raya Galungan
51dLs0hxmtL. SX372 BO1,204,203,200 .jpg

"A lamak is a long narrow ritual hanging that is an essential requirement at almost all rituals in Bali. It is hung from altars and shrines at temple festivals and on festive holy days. Made usually of palm leaves, it is by nature ephemeral and it is made time and again. Even though permanent forms of the lamak, made of cloth or coins, do exist, the ephemeral palm leaf form must be present. Sometimes reaching a length of several metres and decorated with a range of motifs, its most elaborate forms are made by specialist craftsmen and women. The lamak serves as base for offerings and attracts deities and deified ancestors to them. Decorative motifs representing sources of life are ordered according to Balinese concepts of the vertical structure of the cosmos. Best known among the motifs is the cili, a human figure in female form that symbolizes human fertility and regeneration. Through offerings and the active role of the lamak, worshippers offer thanks to their deities and request prosperity and protection.

"A lamak is a long narrow ritual hanging that is an essential requirement at almost all rituals in Bali. It is hung from altars and shrines at temple festivals and on festive holy days. Made usually of palm leaves, it is by nature ephemeral and it is made time and again. Even though permanent forms of the lamak, made of cloth or coins, do exist, the ephemeral palm leaf form must be present. Sometimes reaching a length of several metres and decorated with a range of motifs, its most elaborate forms are made by specialist craftsmen and women. The lamak serves as base for offerings and attracts deities and deified ancestors to them. Decorative motifs representing sources of life are ordered according to Balinese concepts of the vertical structure of the cosmos. Best known among the motifs is the cili, a human figure in female form that symbolizes human fertility and regeneration. Through offerings and the active role of the lamak, worshippers offer thanks to their deities and request prosperity and protection.
Lamak AMNH 70.2 1153.jpg

Lamak (shrine hanging or offering cloth) Bali, Indonesia. Early to mid-20th century. Cotton; handwoven plain weave with supplementary warp patterning. 64 1⁄2 x 15 in. (164 x 38 cm). Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, Donated by Colin McPhee, 70.2/1153

Lamak (shrine hanging or offering cloth) Bali, Indonesia. Early to mid-20th century. Cotton; handwoven plain weave with supplementary warp patterning. 64 1⁄2 x 15 in. (164 x 38 cm). Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, Donated by Colin McPhee, 70.2/1153
Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces
Biangnyané, Gusti Niang Rai, waged makarya lamak.
His mother, Gusti Niang Rai, was an expert in making lamak (decoration for offerings).
Mokoh menilai, terkadang lukisan seperti itu dipakai untuk menyamarkan ketidakbecusan pelukisnya dalam mengggarap bidang gambar.
Biography of I Dewa Putu Mokoh
Parikraman pamangku ritatkala upacara piodalan ring pura kakawitin antuk mareresik, ngresikin coblong, ngebatang tikeh, ngalap don miwah sekar, ngenahang ceniga (lamak, utawi pepayasan busung), ngresikin tur nagingin toya anyar, nyenjitin dupa tur ngenahang dupa ring natah pura, ngaturang dupa, ngaturang prayascita ring suang-suang palinggih, muputang makasami eteh-eteh panyucian, taler ngaturang pakalahyang.
The activities of a pamangku in a ceremony at a temple begin with cleaning the place of ceremony, cleaning the water container (coblong), laying out mats, picking leaves and flowers, putting on ceniga (lamak, or coconut leaf decorations), cleaning and filling the holy water container, lighting and placing incense in the courtyard of the temple, offering incense, offering prayascita (purification ritual) to all palinggih (holy shrines), completing all purification equipment, and offering pakalahyang.
Kegiatan seorang pamangku dalam sebuah upacara di pura dimulai dengan membersihkan tempat upacara, membersihkan tempat air (coblong), menggelar tikar, memetik daun dan bunga, memasang ceniga (lamak, atau hiasan-hiasan janur), membersihkan dan mengisi tempat air suci, menyalakan dan menempatkan dupa di halaman pura, mempersembahkan dupa, mempersembahkan prayascita pada semua palinggih, menyelesaikan segala perlengkapan penyucian, serta mempersembahkan pakalahyang.
Lontar Kusumadewa
Yening mangkin sampun lumrah anake rikala rahinan Tumpek Landep sane madue motor utawi mobil kapayasin antuk lamak, sampian gantung-gantungan, miwah kaaturin banten dawning rahina Tumpek Landep punika kanikayang rahina otonan motor.
Literature Tumpek Landep Otonan Motor?