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|en=For the people of Bali for their safety and peace of mind.  This is the work of the younger generation of Bali.
|en=For the people of Bali for their safety and peace of mind.  This is the work of the younger generation of Bali.
What happens after a volcanic eruption? Sometimes there is a lot of ash.  And can the ash make it hard for us to breathe?  Yes, it can, but there are a number of things that we can do to help.  The first easy thing that we can do is to stay within shelter.  Close all the doors and windows.  If you have to go outside, wear a shirt with long sleeves and long trousers. (http://dictionary.basabali.org/Makeplug_-_Background)
What happens after a volcanic eruption? Sometimes there is a lot of ash.  And can the ash make it hard for us to breathe?  Yes, it can, but there are a number of things that we can do to help.  The first easy thing that we can do is to stay within shelter.  Close all the doors and windows.  If you have to go outside, wear a shirt with long sleeves and long trousers. (http://dictionary.basabali.org/Makeplug_-_Background)
|id=Untuk warga Bali, agar semuanya selamat dan sentosa. Hasil karya dari  generasi muda Bali.  
|id=Untuk warga Bali, agar semuanya selamat dan sentosa. Hasil karya dari  generasi muda Bali.  

Revision as of 01:16, 22 November 2017

Other forms of "keplug"
  • meledak ban
  • explode (vs. makaplug = bump into something) en
  • meletus id
Translation in English
Translation in Indonesian
meletus; meledak
Related words
Word audio
Level of Speech Option
Alus sor
Alus madya
Alus mider
Alus singgih
Bali Dataran
Bali Aga
Sentences Example
Majeng ring warga Bali, mangda rahayu lan rahajeng sareng sami. Kakaryanin antuk Yowana Bali. Napi prasida sane majanten ri sampune gununge makeplug? Pastika akeh wenten lebu. Napi ke punika ngawinang abot ring sajeroning prana? Inggih, sakewanten wenten parikrama sane prasida kamargiang. Kapertama, sane sadarana prasida kamargiang ring genah soang2. Pintu miwah jendela mangda kaunebang. Di pradene jagi malelungan, sumangdene ngangge kuaca sane malengen dawa tur jaler. (http://dictionary.basabali.org/Makeplug_-_Purwaka)
For the people of Bali for their safety and peace of mind. This is the work of the younger generation of Bali. What happens after a volcanic eruption? Sometimes there is a lot of ash. And can the ash make it hard for us to breathe? Yes, it can, but there are a number of things that we can do to help. The first easy thing that we can do is to stay within shelter. Close all the doors and windows. If you have to go outside, wear a shirt with long sleeves and long trousers. (http://dictionary.basabali.org/Makeplug_-_Background)
Untuk warga Bali, agar semuanya selamat dan sentosa. Hasil karya dari generasi muda Bali. Apa yang terjadi setelah gunung api meletus? Kadang ada banyak abu. Dan apa itu membuat kita sulit untuk bernapas? Iya, bisa, tapi ada beberapa hal yang bisa kita lakukan untuk membantu. Hal sederhana pertama yang bisa kita lakukan adalah tinggal di tempat berlindung. Tutup semua pintu dan jendela. Kalaupun harus pergi keluar, gunakan baju berlengan panjang dan celana panjang. (http://dictionary.basabali.org/Makeplug_-_Pendahulan)
Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces
Ri kala bomé makeplug, ipun kantun ring Paddys Club sareng sawitrannyané.
Her reminders are physical and visible.
Pengingatnya bersifat fisik dan terlihat.
Covid A Reminder : Bali Bomb Survivor
Babad puniki taler asliaban maosin indik gunungapi Lesung sane makeplug duk satawarsa kaping sanga utawi dasa, laut nenten malih aktif nyantos mangkin.
It is possible that Indu Gobed Village has now become Gobleg Village and three other villages known as Catur Desa Tamblingan, namely Gobleg, Munduk, Gesing and Umajero.
Kemungkinan, Desa Indu Gobed kini menjadi Desa Gobleg dan tiga desa lainnya yang dikenal sebagai Catur Desa Tamblingan, yakni Gobleg, Munduk, Gesing dan Umajero.
Lontar Babad Indu Gobed
Gunung Agung madue tegeh 3142 meter sakewanten angka puniki durung kaukur malih ri sampune Gunung Agung makeplug duk warsa 1963.
Place Gunung Agung
Ida embas duk warsa 1862(?) ring Bedulu, tur marabian daweg Gunung Krakatau makeplug duk warsa 1883 ri sedek ida mayusa salikur.
Many of Lempad's works were collected by the artist Walter Spies (German, 1895-1942).
Bersama Bonnet dan Spies, dia turut mendirikan Pita Maha, sebuah kelompok seniman yang mendefinisikan ulang seni lukis Bali pada 1930-an.
Biography of I Gusti Nyoman Lempad Lempad
Nyingakin Pulau Bangsul nenten tegteg riantukan kantun akeh gununge makeplug, Batara Pasupati (paragan Batara Siwa sane tiosan) ngutus solas batara sane wantah okan-okan Ida.
Some interpreters such as Puspawati et.al (2018) said that the island of Bangsul was politically unstable at a certain time in the past, yet it was inferred to as being physically unstable and unfit to support life.
Beberapa penafsir seperti Puspawati et.al. (2018) mengatakan bahwa pulau Bangsul secara politik labil pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu, namun disimbolkan secara fisik sebagai pulau yang tidak stabil dan tidak layak untuk menopang kehidupan.
Lontar Kuttara Kanda Dewa Purana Bangsul
Nututin protes Euromaidan miwah revolusi sané ngranayang kasingkirang Presiden pro-Rusia Viktor Yanukovich ring Februari warsa 2014, karusuhan pro-Rusia punika makeplug ring makudang-kudang pahan Ukraina.
Literature Salah Satu Bentuk Kepedulian