Property:English equivalent

This is a property of type Text.

Showing 50 pages using this property.
- +
take it off  +
A +
one  +, non-  +, anti  +
Aa +
yes  +
recede  +, down  +
broken (about soil, cone, etc.)  +
feels dry  +
a trip  +
fall out  +
fallen  +, crumbs  +, something falls out  +
something that is worked hard  +
carry  +
take  +, please take  +
to destroy  +
something the stalks of which have been taken  +, something to be ruled out  +
nature, temperament  +
field  +, water  +, paddy irrigation  +
tabiat  +, bakat  +
red  +
grated coconut dough with red and white spices as a basis in pairs / series of kawisan (a type of offerings) in a traditional ceremony in bali  +
a gutter on a roof  +
neck height  +
ten million  +
slash  +, cut down  +
cut down results  +, swipe  +, cutting results  +
a little  +, slight  +, few  +
calm  +, quiet  +
make a ngaben ceremony  +
ngaben ceremony was made by him/her  +
very long  +
one  +
manner  +, the answer of the question  +
as  +
short period of time  +
garden  +, field  +
charm  +, magic  +, witchcraft  +
guard  +
accompanied (by someone)  +, at his side  +
sapwood results from cutting  +
lap  +
cliff  +, steep  +
sloping  +
many  +
meat  +, fried meat sliced thinly  +
a pack  +
heavy  +, pregnant  +
good  +
absent  +, away  +
ash  +
lots and evenly  +, be spread evenly  +
complete  +