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Revision as of 13:14, 30 September 2017 by Terong (talk | contribs)
Other forms of "ceteng"
  • to be strong, to not be feeble en
  • kuat id
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Translation in Indonesian
  • lemah (l)
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    I took this photo around 2015 near the village of Payangan on the way to Kintamani. I saw several old women working as labourers carrying sand. They were not concerned with the heat from the sun nor with the fact that they were no longer young but rather they were full of enthusiasm. And who knows how much sand they had carried put into the carried using their strength. And that is a snapshot of Balinese women: they are strong, tenacious and tireless when working for their families. Although they do not get paid a lot, they get satisfaction if they can earn money by themselves.

    Foto puniki tiang ambil kirang langkung thn 2015 ring desa payangan gianyar. Ritatkala tiang melancaran ke kintamani. Daweg punike tiang cingakin akèh anak2 istri bali sanè sampun mayuse mekarya dados buruh. Ten ngerasayang panes suryanè lan yusanè sampun nenten anom, nanging kantun seleg mekarya. Asapuniki indik gambaran anak istri baline ceteng2 lan nenten merase kenyel mekarya anggèn keluargan nyanè. Yadiastun nenten akèh polih jinah.nanging wènten manah liang lening mresidayang mikolihang jinah peragan
    I took this photo around 2015 near the village of Payangan on the way to Kintamani. I saw several old women working as labourers carrying sand. They were not concerned with the heat from the sun nor with the fact that they were no longer young but rather they were full of enthusiasm. And who knows how much sand they had carried put into the carried using their strength. And that is a snapshot of Balinese women: they are strong, tenacious and tireless when working for their families. Although they do not get paid a lot, they get satisfaction if they can earn money by themselves.
    Foto Ini saya ambil sekitar Tahun 2015, Di sekitar desa Payangan ,ketika saya dalam perjalanan menuju kintamani, saya melihat beberapa ibu2 yang sudah tua Dan bekerja sebagai tukang angkut pasir . Tidak peduli dengan terik panas matahari Serta umur mereka yang sudah tidak Lagi muda, tetapi mereka Masih tetap semangat Dan entah sudah berapa Banyak pasir yg Di masukan kedalam ember Yg mereka angkut dengan tenaga mereka . Begitulah potret sebagian perempuan bali, mereka kuat, tangguh Dan tidak kenal lelah bekerja untuk keluarga mereka , walaupun mereka tidak mendapat udah yang Banyak, tetapi Ada kepuasan bagi mereka jika mereka bisa bekerja sendiri
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