- any container of folded leaf, usually banana leaf, that has one end or the bottom formed by twisting the leaf and, at the same time, indenting with the forefinger the edge that will be on the inside of the container, thus forming a tuck that prevents leakage and allows it to be used for liquids en
- Jenis takir dari daun pisang yang disemat pada sebelah ujungnya untuk tempat air atau nasi id

Located in Desa Budaya Kertalangu, Denpasar. This place is unique and as soon as we enter we are struck by the atmosphere of Bali in the 1950s. The arrangement of the seating in the open centre area surrounded with lush greenery gives us the feeling of being at a food stall in a village. Tekor is a term used for the way food can be presented wrapped in banana leaf formed into a triangle. And it is that which is referred to as tekor in Bali. The menu is traditional and all dishes use chicken or are vegetarian. There is Nasi Lawar Biu Batu (a rice dish using a type of banana which has seeds, shredded coconut, fried peanuts, vegetables and Balinese spices), Nasi Campur Bali (a rice dish with mixed meat and vegetables), roast chicken, Sate Ayam Lilit (spiced chicken mince pressed onto skewers and roasted), iced coconut drinks, sweet and unsweetened hot tea, Balinese mixed ice drinks, Tuak (a traditional alcoholic drink made from palm or coconut), Balinese coffee (not from a sachet) and fried bananas. The food is also served in the style of the 1960-1970s using tin teapots, mugs and plates. If you want to come it may be better in the morning or evening as you can jog around the beautiful cool rice fields before calling in.
If you don’t live in Bali but are holidaying or visiting Bali, call in to Warung Tekor in Desa Kertalangu.Desa Budaya Kertalangu Denpasar.
Genah warung tekor puniki ngelangunin, sekadi warung ring ddesa ring bali warsa 50. Bangku-bangku kayu mecacarang ring natahe sane asri megenah ring beten punyan kayu sane ageng. Akeh punyan punyanan sane lianan metate sekadi paumahan ring pedesaan.
Warung puniki mewasta warung tekor kaambil saking “ nekor” indik ajengan sane mebungkus nganggen don biu kabentuk tatekoran.
Ajeng ajengan sane kaadol driki samian nganggen daging ayam seluwir ipun nasi lawar biu batu ( sane lakar nyane, nyuh metunu, jukut gondo, biu batu mekukus, kacang tanah megoreng, sareng sambal bali) nasi campur bali, siap mepanggang, sate siap melilit, teh anget, kopi bali, es campur, tuak jaka,pisang goreng.
Ajengane ketanding sekadi tandingan ring warung warung baline ilu. Piring, cangkir seng sekadi piring piring chine sane akeh keanggen ring warsa 1970 keanggen nyaniang ajengan tur minuman ring Tekor.
Yening rauh mriki semeng wiadin sande ne ring Kertalangu puniki wenten genah olahraga ngiterin carik sane kantun medaging padi tur palawije.
Yening semetone sane saking luar Denpasar minab melancaran ke Denpasar durus simpang ke warung Tekor puniki sane megenah ring Desa Budaya Kertalangu.Located in Desa Budaya Kertalangu, Denpasar. This place is unique and as soon as we enter we are struck by the atmosphere of Bali in the 1950s. The arrangement of the seating in the open centre area surrounded with lush greenery gives us the feeling of being at a food stall in a village. Tekor is a term used for the way food can be presented wrapped in banana leaf formed into a triangle. And it is that which is referred to as tekor in Bali. The menu is traditional and all dishes use chicken or are vegetarian. There is Nasi Lawar Biu Batu (a rice dish using a type of banana which has seeds, shredded coconut, fried peanuts, vegetables and Balinese spices), Nasi Campur Bali (a rice dish with mixed meat and vegetables), roast chicken, Sate Ayam Lilit (spiced chicken mince pressed onto skewers and roasted), iced coconut drinks, sweet and unsweetened hot tea, Balinese mixed ice drinks, Tuak (a traditional alcoholic drink made from palm or coconut), Balinese coffee (not from a sachet) and fried bananas. The food is also served in the style of the 1960-1970s using tin teapots, mugs and plates. If you want to come it may be better in the morning or evening as you can jog around the beautiful cool rice fields before calling in.
If you don’t live in Bali but are holidaying or visiting Bali, call in to Warung Tekor in Desa Kertalangu.Desa Budaya Kertalangu Denpasar.
Tempatnya unik, begitu kita masuk suasana Bali 50 an kental sekali terasa. Penataan tempat duduk di tengah area terbuka dgn tanaman yang rindang mengantarkan kita kesuasana warung di pedesaan.
Tekor adalah istilah penyajian makanan dari daun pisang yg dibentuk segitiga dan dibali di sebut tekor.
Menu yang disediakan pun tradisional, dan semua dgn ayam atau vegitarian,ada nasi lawar biu batu ( bahan nya buah pisang batu, kelapa parut, kacang goreng, sayur dan bumbu khas Bali) nasi campur bali, ayam bakar, sate ayam lilit, minumnya es kelapa, teh tawar/manis hangat, es campur ala bali, tuak ( minuman khas dari pohon jaka ato kelapa) kopi bali ( bukan sachet) dan pisang goreng khas tekor.
Penyajian makanannyapun dgn barang khas thn 60-70 an , teko seng, cangkir seng dan piring seng. Kalo anda mau mampir pagi ato sore lebih bagus karena sebelum mampir bisa jogging keliling sawah yg asri dan sejuk.
Kalo anda tidak tidak di Bali tp kebetulan liburan ato berkunjung ke bali cobalah mampir ke warung Tekor di Ds Kertalangu.