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Paku pipid

paku pipid

  • ornament made of young palm leaves en
  • jahitan janur sebagai hiasan atau pelengkap upacara id
Paku pipid
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Q: O..don-donan misi driki, nggih?

A: Nggih, plawa nika harus ada. Tapi karena driki susah, cari permintaan ijinnya untuk motong daun, ya ini yang… Q: Ya. O..imitasi, nggih. A: Imitasi kanggoang anggen. Pipidnya…o paku pipid polih ne..tapi dekorasi. Q: Paku pipid.O..niki ne..napi..o.. busung ental niki, nggih. A: Nggih, ental nika.

Q: O..wenten gelang-gelangan, paku pipid. Niki wenten tulang lindung. Wuih, meriah, kaya Galungan niki. Galungan di Amerika. Nggih, Pak Gusti, suksma, nggih.
[example 1]
Q: There are leaves here, right?

A: Right, "plawa" is a must. But since it is hard to obtain here, it's not easy to ask for the permit cut the leaves, so here we have it... Q: Right. Ah.. it's not the real thing, I see. A: It's alright to use artificial leaves. The "Pipid"... oh there's the "paku pipid".. but it's the decoration kind. Q: "paku pipid". Ah.. there it is... from?.. ah... palm leaves, I gather. A: Right, it's made from palm leaves.

Q: O.. and there are gelang-gelangan, paku pipid. And here's the tulang lindung. Wow, it's fantastic, just like Galungan. Galungan day in America. Alright, Mr Gusti, thank you, alright.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. Novi Djangkuak