How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • jar made of red clay en
  • round clay bowl or jug about 13x13 cm., often used for holy water in a shrine en
  • kendi; wadah air (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Buka nyuwun june misi yeh, dibekne degdeg, diembuhne ngelencok.
[example 1]
[proverb]: Like carrying a jug full of water, if it is full it is steady, if not full, the water splashes around. Said of a person who gets mad easily when he has not had enough to eat, causing him to get upset readily. The water is the food and the jug is the person.

[[Word example text en::[proverb]: Like carrying a jug full of water, if it is full it is steady, if not full, the water splashes around. Said of a person who gets mad easily when he has not had enough to eat, causing him to get upset readily. The water is the food and the jug is the person.| ]]
Tuan Keran, nyidangke ngemaang tiang ngidih yeh abedik? Ene, aba suba aba ka jun ragane. Jani nyidang suba ragane ngae dedaaran.
[example 2]
Mr. Faucet, can you give me a little water? Here, bring it in your jar. Now you can cook food.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Rikala nenten nyuratang esai, Jun prasida kapanggihin sedek ibuk ngungsi genah sane paling suwung ring pulone sinambi nyusunang koan-koan agugutan, sane prasida kapanggihin ring Cyclingwithbuddha.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  

In Balinese:   Sasampun upacara puniki puput, pacang wenten 108 anak istri saking suang-suang kulawarga makta jun sane pacang kadagingin toya anyar sane kaambil ring Pura Taman Pacampuhan.

In English:   According to the local bendesa, everyone can take a shower and ask for purification in the combination of the two rivers.

In Indonesian:   Menuju perayaan Galungan, masyarakat Banjar Sala, Desa Abuan, Kecamatan Susut, Bangli melakukan ritual Masiram Toya Daha.

In Balinese:   Asapunika patemon lawat suryane ring jun madaging toya, kasaihang sareng suryane sane wenten ring akasa, tur kasaihang sareng suryane sane entag lan sane sineb.

In English:   It is told in this lontar that Bhatara Siwa has a child named Bhatara Kala.

In Indonesian:   Kedelapan khayalan ini dapat dimusnahkan dengan delapan jenis pengendalian diri, yang disebut dengan Astalingga.