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  • music: third note of the Balinese pentatonic musical scale, symbolized by taleng, which looks like a lower case n with the right member extending down farther than the left en
  • in the pelog scale the interval deng and the next note up the scale, dung, is two whole tones en
  • the interval beteen deng and the next lower note is one whole interval en
  • salah satu dr panca nada dl gamelan Bali (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

"Dang, Ding, Dung, Deng, Dong", punika suaran laras peloge sane kaplajahin oleh Luh Rai rikala malajah mapupuh.
No translation exists for this example.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Pateh sakadi saih pelog 5 nada gamelan bali sane tiosan, sakadi gamelan Gong Gede, miwah Gong Palegongan antuk jajaran suarane minakadi : Ding, Dong, Deng, Dung, Dang.

In English:   Gong Kebyar with the most complete instrument is called the Gong Kebyar Barungan Jangkep (Barungan Ageng) which consists of 21 types of tools, each of which has its own name and specific function for its barungan, namely:

In Indonesian:   Sistem laras ngumbang – ngisep ; nada yang sama namun dengan frekuensi yang berbeda.