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Revision as of 08:21, 28 July 2019 by Eka Werdi (talk | contribs)
Other forms of "Ngijeng"
  • keep; wait (so that you are safe or no interference) en
  • menjaga; menunggui (supaya selamat atau tidak ada gangguan) id
Translation in English
look after; keep; wait (so that you are safe or no interference)
Translation in Indonesian
menjaga; mengawasi
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Word audio
Level of Speech Option
Alus sor
Alus madya
Alus mider
Alus singgih
Bali Dataran
Bali Aga
Sentences Example
Neked jumah Luh Ayu Manik mulisah. Marawat-rawat alasé benyah. Tusing kapineh unduk alasé kagalgal. Apabuin ané kagalgal hutan lindung. Polisi hutanné kija? Tusing ada polisi ngijengin posé. Uling nyumunin mamula kayu kanti majalan mulih tusing ada polisi hutan majlawatan. Pemerintah masih ngelah Polisi Pamong Praja, singké ada patroli kemu? Ada kenehné nylibsib ka alasé. Ia dot nawang kasujatian ané ngalgal alasé. Yén suba tawang gelis laporang ka polisi apang polisiné ada bukti ngejuk malingé.
On arriving home, Luh Ayu Manik was worried. She was still haunted by the vision of the devastated forest. She couldn't believe the fact that the forest had been clear felled. What's more, the clear felled forest was a protected forest. Where were the forest police? There were no police manning the posts. From the time the students began planting til they left for home no forest police had been sighted. The government also had forest rangers (Polisi Pamong Praja) – weren't they supposed to patrol there? She had a desire to enter the forest. She wished to know who it really was that was felling the trees. If she found out she would report them immediately to the police so that, with this evidence, action could be undertaken to apprehend the culprits.
Sampai di rumah, Luh Ayu Manik gelisah. Ia masih terbayang-bayang keadaan hutan yang hancur. Ia tidak percaya kenyataan bahwa hutan telah ditebangi. Apalagi yang ditebang itu adalah hutan lindung. Polisi hutan itu di mana? Tidak ada polisi yang menjaga pos. Dari awal menanam pohon sampai pulang tidak ada Polisi Hutan yang terlihat. Pemerintah juga memiliki Polisi Pamong Praja, tidakkah ada patroli yang ke sana? Ada keinginannya untuk menyusup ke dalam hutan. Ia ingin tahu sesungguhnya siapa yang menebangi hutan. Apabila sudah diketahui, ia akan segera melaporkannya ke polisi agar mereka punya bukti untuk menangkap si pencuri.
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