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  • the chili en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

tabiane mawarna barak.
[example 1]
Like the spicy taste of a very hot chili. [proverb] ‘Tabia’ is a small, but very hot chili, or pepper. Its spicy tang happens very suddenly. As soon as you eat it, ‘prejani’. This is said of a person who does something bad.. He may get away with it for the time being. Right away, right now, like the taste of a ‘tabia’, there may be no retribution. But, sooner or later, his ‘pala’ will catch up with his ‘karma’, and he will be punished.

[[Word example text en::Like the spicy taste of a very hot chili. [proverb]

‘Tabia’ is a small, but very hot chili, or pepper. Its spicy tang happens very suddenly. As soon as you eat it, ‘prejani’. This is said of a person who does something bad.. He may get away with it for the time being. Right away, right now, like the taste of a ‘tabia’, there may be no retribution. But, sooner or later, his ‘pala’ will catch up with his ‘karma’, and he will be punished.| ]]

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Tan bina sakadi raos anake lingsir, buka naar tabiane.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  
  1. F. Eiseman, Proverbs. 1987