Usaba Goreng

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Information about Holiday or Ceremony

Usaba Goreng

Where did this ceremony take place:

In English

Usaba or Ngusaba Goreng is a traditional ceremony held in Karangsari Traditional Village, Selat District, Karangasem every three years on the full moon of Sasih Kalima (the fifth month of Balinese lunar calendar). Apart from Karangsari Village, a similar ceremony is also held in the Geriana Kangin Traditional Village. This ceremony is an expression of gratitude and gratitude for the villagers as well as asking for the safety and welfare of the village. The peak of the Usaba Goreng ceremony is carried out at Puseh Temple by first carrying out the preparations and post-ceremony for approximately ten days.

The stages of the Usaba Goreng ceremony procession include preparing for the ceremony at Puseh Temple, malasti or purifying oneself in the sea, purification ceremony at beji (holy spring), penjor making, the climax of the ceremony at Desa and Puseh Temples, ceremony at Jurang Temple, ceremony at Batur Temple Majapahit, performing the Rejang Lanang (Baris Babuang) dance, presenting holy chants, and the Nyineb ceremony.

In Geriana Kangin Traditional Village, which is one of the Bali Aga villages, the Usaba Goreng ceremony is complemented by the Neruna ceremony, which is attended only by unmarried boys. This Neruna tradition is also called Parejangan Sidumun. In this Neruna procession, youths called sorpa walk around the village to collect snacks from the people’s homes. The snacks are then collected at Puseh Temple to be distributed. It's a bit like giving out sweets in Halloween tradition. Apart from the Neruna procession, there is also the Siat Sampian ritual which is similar to the tradition in Samuan Tiga, Bedulu, Gianyar.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Usaba atau Ngusaba Goreng adalah upacara tradisional yang dilangsungkan di Desa Adat Karangsari, Kecamatan Selat, Karangasem setiap tiga tahun sekali pada Purnama Sasih Kalima. Selain di Desa Karangsari, upacara sejenis juga dilakukan di Desa Adat Geriana Kangin. Upacara ini merupakan ungkapan rasa syukur dan terima kasih para warga desa sekaligus memohon keselamatan dan kesejahteraan desa. Puncak upacara Usaba Goreng ini dilakukan di Pura Puseh dengan terlebih dahulu melaksanakan persiapan dan pascaupacara selama kurang lebih sepuluh hari.

Tahapan prosesi upacara Usaba Goreng antara lain persiapan upacara di Pura Puseh, malasti atau menyucikan diri di laut, upacara penyucian di beji (mata air suci), pembuatan penjor, puncak upacara di Pura Desa dan Puseh, upacara di Pura Jurang, upacara di Pura Batur Majapahit, pentas tari Rejang Lanang (Baris Babuang), mempersembahkan gita, dan upacara nyineb.

Di Desa Adat Geriana Kangin yang merupakan salah satu desa Bali Aga, upacara Usaba Goreng dilengkapi dengan upacara Neruna yang hanya diikuti oleh remaja laki-laki yang belum menikah. Tradisi Neruna ini juga disebut Parejangan Sidumun. Dalam prosesi Neruna ini, para pemuda yang disebut sorpa berjalan keliling desa untuk mengumpulkan jajan dari rumah-rumah warga. Jajan itu kemudian dikumpulkan di Pura Puseh untuk dibagikan. Ini mirip seperti tradisi membagikan permen dalam Haloween. Selain prosesi Neruna, ada pula ritual Siat Sampian yang mirip dengan tradisi di Samuan Tiga, Bedulu, Gianyar.

Komang Wenten

<ul><li>Property "Holiday information text" (as page type) with input value "Usaba or Ngusaba Goreng is a traditional ceremony held in Karangsari Traditional Village, Selat District, Karangasem every three years on the full moon of Sasih Kalima (the fifth month of Balinese lunar calendar). Apart from Karangsari Village, a similar ceremony is also held in the Geriana Kangin Traditional Village. This ceremony is an expression of gratitude and gratitude for the villagers as well as asking for the safety and welfare of the village. The peak of the Usaba Goreng ceremony is carried out at Puseh Temple by first carrying out the preparations and post-ceremony for approximately ten days.The stages of the Usaba Goreng ceremony procession include preparing for the ceremony at Puseh Temple, malasti or purifying oneself in the sea, purification ceremony at beji (holy spring), penjor making, the climax of the ceremony at Desa and Puseh Temples, ceremony at Jurang Temple, ceremony at Batur Temple Majapahit, performing the Rejang Lanang (Baris Babuang) dance, presenting holy chants, and the Nyineb ceremony.In Geriana Kangin Traditional Village, which is one of the Bali Aga villages, the Usaba Goreng ceremony is complemented by the Neruna ceremony, which is attended only by unmarried boys. This Neruna tradition is also called Parejangan Sidumun. In this Neruna procession, youths called sorpa walk around the village to collect snacks from the people’s homes. The snacks are then collected at Puseh Temple to be distributed. It's a bit like giving out sweets in Halloween tradition. Apart from the Neruna procession, there is also the Siat Sampian ritual which is similar to the tradition in Samuan Tiga, Bedulu, Gianyar." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Holiday information text id" (as page type) with input value "Usaba atau Ngusaba Goreng adalah upacara tradisional yang dilangsungkan di Desa Adat Karangsari, Kecamatan Selat, Karangasem setiap tiga tahun sekali pada Purnama Sasih Kalima. Selain di Desa Karangsari, upacara sejenis juga dilakukan di Desa Adat Geriana Kangin. Upacara ini merupakan ungkapan rasa syukur dan terima kasih para warga desa sekaligus memohon keselamatan dan kesejahteraan desa. Puncak upacara Usaba Goreng ini dilakukan di Pura Puseh dengan terlebih dahulu melaksanakan persiapan dan pascaupacara selama kurang lebih sepuluh hari.Tahapan prosesi upacara Usaba Goreng antara lain persiapan upacara di Pura Puseh, malasti atau menyucikan diri di laut, upacara penyucian di beji (mata air suci), pembuatan penjor, puncak upacara di Pura Desa dan Puseh, upacara di Pura Jurang, upacara di Pura Batur Majapahit, pentas tari Rejang Lanang (Baris Babuang), mempersembahkan gita, dan upacara nyineb.Di Desa Adat Geriana Kangin yang merupakan salah satu desa Bali Aga, upacara Usaba Goreng dilengkapi dengan upacara Neruna yang hanya diikuti oleh remaja laki-laki yang belum menikah. Tradisi Neruna ini juga disebut Parejangan Sidumun. Dalam prosesi Neruna ini, para pemuda yang disebut sorpa berjalan keliling desa untuk mengumpulkan jajan dari rumah-rumah warga. Jajan itu kemudian dikumpulkan di Pura Puseh untuk dibagikan. Ini mirip seperti tradisi membagikan permen dalam Haloween. Selain prosesi Neruna, ada pula ritual Siat Sampian yang mirip dengan tradisi di Samuan Tiga, Bedulu, Gianyar." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>

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