How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • sufiks {-e} pada kata "canange" menyatakan kepemilikan atau memperjelas kata yang diikuti. Hampir sama dengan partikel 'the' dalam bahasa Inggris. en
  • suffix {-e} in the word "canange" states ownership or clarify the words that are followed. Almost the same as the 'the' particle in English. en
  • the canang (canang is a kind of offering made from leaf as a base given "plawa" leaves, betel nut, flowers, etc.) (Noun) id
  • canang; canang itu (canang adalah sejenis sajen yang dibuat dari janur sebagai alas diberi daun "plawa", sirih-pinang, bunga, dsb.) (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

"Napi anggen nganti plastik nika, Pak?" Buin Luh Ayu Manik matakon. "Liu, Luh, yening mablanja ka peken, tas kain aba. Yening ka pura canange wadahin sokasi. Keto masih yening lakar nunas tirta eda nganggen kresek, aba wadah tirtane uli jumah," Pak Budi ngorahin Luh Ayu Manik penggantin plastik. "Yen kenten uli dugas niki tiang pelih krana tiang setata nganggen plastik. Uli mangkin tiang jagi ngirangin nganggen plastik. Tiang taler jagi nekedang indike niki teken reraman tiange miwah timpal-timpal tiange," Luh Ayu Manik nglanturang. "Inggih, Luh, dumogi jagate ene tusing ja nglantas cemer sangkaning plastik," Pak Budi ngimbuhin mamunyi. "Nggih, Pak, suksma sampun ngicenin tiang piteket." "Nggih, Luh, suksma mawali."
[example 1]
"What will we use in place of plastic, Pak?” asked Luh Ayu Manik. "There are many possibilities, Luh. If you go shopping at the market, just take a cloth bag. If you go to the temple, put your offerings in a woven container. Similarly, when going to request holy water, don’t use plastic but bring a container from home.” These were the suggestions made by Pak Budi to Luh Ayu Manik on how to replace plastic. "If that is the case, then I have been wrong because I have always used plastic. From now on I’ll use less plastic. I’ll also tell my parents and friends about this,” Luh Ayu Manik added. "Yes, Luh, I hope our environment here has not already been contaminated with plastic,” Pak Budi added. "Yes, I hope so too, Pak. Thank you for giving me this advice.” "That’s OK, Luh. Thank you too."

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Pepayasan canange bungah pesan,liang atine ningalin.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  

In Balinese:   Canange ento jegeg pateh care dagang canang ane lenan,becik lan dueg pisan ia melajah uling Hp e dogen.

In English:  

In Indonesian: