Property:English definition

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
a pack  +
to feel heavy or weighed down due to difficult or imposing circumstances  +, pregnant  +, lazy (Buleleng dialect)  +
good  +
ashes  +, the remainder that remains after an item has experienced complete combustion  +
lots and evenly; be spread evenly  +
section, for example of bamboo, one of these (buku)  +
one single long thin object (counter)  +, one such fruit, e.g. one banana (counter)  +, a/an; a grain of  +
a/an; a grain of; one of  +
pull out; unplug; extract  +
plan program  +, event; activity  +
master, teacher  +
to have a handful of something  +, to fill hands with something  +, measurement  +
a measuring unit; one size along the range between the tip of the thumb and other fingertips stretched  +
to have strong hope or belief  +, to wish fervently  +, worship  +
something hoped or wished for  +, a past dream or desire, or recite mantras  +
hope; wish  +
once on one occasion  +
ceremony  +, worship  +
all of the various things that are connected with a ceremony  +, ceremony; everything related to the ceremony  +
little bit of something sollid  +