Property:English definition

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
just a moment, in just a second  +
upright rect, standing, sturdy, strong, firm, tenacious  +, peaceful  +
movement to preserve the cultural identity of Bali against outside influences, spearheaded by ABG Satria Naradha, editor of the Bali Post newspaper  +
erect firm make something erect, firm, etc.  +, preserve; confirm  +
in front of someone, something, put in front of  +, to eat  +
food  +
is eaten  +
food or drink  +, cooked rice; a general word for food, suitable for most occasions except in reference to a person of the Brahmana caste  +, rice  +
the size of one time the length of the stretch between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the outstretched forefinger  +
friendly  +
scared; afraid  +
price, often used with the word "kuda" to mean "how much"  +, value  +, father (Alus Singgih: high level of balinese language)  +
How much?  +
something bad, such as sickness, disease, etc., caused by pengleyakan  +, ajiwegig, in which aji means the art or craft, and wegig means begig, i.e. a negative characteristic potential of disturbing or hurting others.  +
look; care  +
perceived: known about  +, ignore; appreciate  +
barred garfish  +, Hemirhamphus far  +
submit  +
filed; proposed; proposed by him/her; submitted by him/her  +
a conceited person  +