Taru penyisih

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  • Phyllanthus buxifolius belongs to ornamental plants, this plant can also be used as a sprinter medicine. Dried leaves contain saponins, alkaloids flavonoids, tannins, quinones, and steroids triterpenoids and polyphenols. en
Translation in English
Seligi tree
Translation in Indonesian
Pohon Seligi
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Word audio
Level of Speech Option
Taru penyisih
Alus sor
Alus madya
Alus mider
Alus singgih
Bali Dataran
Bali Aga
Sentences Example
Titiang taru penyisih. Daging titiange sekadi sasih kapat ngesir. Akah ring don taler nyusup kadi angin. Engket titiang mekadi api, dados tamba yen hana wong keni bebali. Ambil engket titiang, ra tabia bun, juuk lengis, anggen tutuh.
I am the Seligi tree (Phyllanthus buxifolius (Blume) Müll.Arg. The content of the substances is as the fourth month which is cool. My roots and leaves penetrate like wind. My sap is as fire, it can be used as a medicine for the victims of a kind of black magic. Take my sap and mix it with Balinese long pepper (‘tabia bun’) and lime juice and use as drops.
Saya pohon seligi. Kandungan zat saya seperti bulan keempat yang sejuk. Akar sampai daun saya meresap seperti angin. Getah saya seperti api, dapat digunakan sebagai obat jika ada orang terkena sejenis guna­guna. Ambil getah saya dicampur cabe puyang, jeruk nipis untuk ditetesi.
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