Telung dasa telu

From BASAbaliWiki
Other forms of "Telu"
  • thirty three en
  • tiga puluh tiga id
Translation in English
thirty three
Translation in Indonesian
tiga puluh tiga
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Level of Speech Option
Telung dasa telu
Telung dasa telu
Alus sor
Alus madya
Alus mider
Alus singgih
Bali Dataran
Bali Aga
Sentences Example
Di Kamar 21 ada tatelu rak buku ane tegeh-tegeh, meja komputer, lan komputer canggih. Di kamar ento masih ada lontar-lontar druen leluhurne Luh Ayu Manik. Makita lantas Luh Ayu Manik mamaca buku ane mara baanga teken bulene. Buku tebel ento ensiklopedia sakancan negara ane ada di gumine. Luh Ayu Manik demen sajan mamaca bukune ento. Buina, ia dot sajan yen mani puan ia nyidaang ngenjekang batisne di dura negara ane ada di bukune ento. Gagaha silih tunggil halaman bukune, tepukina ditu matulis negara Belanda. Lantas buin gagaha halaman ane lenan, kanti suba halaman nomer telung dasa telu ane nyritaang indik negara Inggris.
In 'Room 21' there are three high bookshelves, a computer table and the latest computer. There are also palm leaf manuscripts that had been handed down to her by her ancestors. She had the urge to read the book she had just been given by the tourist. The thick book was entitled, 'Encyclopedia' and was about all the countries of the world. She was very happy with what she read. She hoped that one day she would get the opportunity to set foot in the countries mentioned in the book. She opened the book and first page she saw was about Holland. Then she turned to other pages, until she got to page 33 which was about England.
Di Kamar 21 ada tiga rak buku yang tinggi-tinggi, meja komputer, dan komputer canggih. Di kamar itu juga ada lontar-lontar yang diwarisi dari leluhur Luh Ayu Manik. Luh Ayu Manik lalu ingin membaca buku yang baru saja diberikan bule yang diselamatkannya. Buku tebal itu ensiklopedia berbagai negara yang ada di dunia. Luh Ayu Manik sangat senang membaca buku itu. Terlebih, ia memang ingin sekali suatu saat bisa menginjakkan kaki di berbagai negara yang ada di buku itu. Dibukanya salah satu halaman buku itu, dilihatnyalah di sana tertulis negara Belanda. Lalu dibukanya lagi halaman lainnya, sampai halaman nomor tiga puluh tiga yang menceritakan tentang negara Inggris.
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