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  • 6 - Luh Ayu Manik Mas Ngalahang Legu Poleng  + (A package arrived for Made Putri, one of LA package arrived for Made Putri, one of Luh Ayu’s friends, from the US wrapped in layers and layers of packaging material. Made Putri threw the packaging waste out in the garbage, but it ended up a local river where it collected pools of stagnant water. Dengue-carrying mosquitos then bred in those pools, making the original problem of packaging waste even worse. And, the Covid-19 pandemic was raging. What is Luh Ayu to do?ndemic was raging. What is Luh Ayu to do?)
  • Self Discovery Through Unexpected Redundancy  + (A photographer’s reflections in the process of an art collaboration, with ManButur Suantara. Discussing the works Human Imprints and Sacred Mimicry, as exhibited in the Manus, a Conscious Journey Art Collaboration.)
  • Suklu a Portrait #1  + (A portrait of artist Sujana Suklu in a colA portrait of artist Sujana Suklu in a collaboration with Dewi Dian Reich. Exploring the Three Rooms of Art. Art by Interaction in the studio.</br>Sujana Suklu is known as a progressive thinker of contemporary art in Bali. With a pioneering vision that reflects a universal philosophy. Sujana Suklus’ contributions are vast in scope, encompassing multi-disciplinary fields within fine arts, academic and community platforms. Suklus’ academic research explores ways to bring art methodologies into communities cultivating and preserving local wisdom whilst expanding existing skill sets. The beauty of this research is that it has been applied and is actively growing in communities today. is actively growing in communities today.)
  • The Red Chair and White Room, a Collaborative Online Exhibition  + (A Sawidji Collaboration "This is not a stA Sawidji Collaboration</br></br>"This is not a story about a boy and a girl.. Our portrait story is one of all of us. Each portrait takes us through a transformation. Transformations that are connected and represents a collective reality that we face as a traditional community."</br></br>A mixed photography and multi media presentation exploring social and cultural identity and its changes. Through a symbolic portrait narrative. By Dewi Dian Reich, ManButur Suantara, Ketut Kaprus Jaya.</br></br>In the purity of arts’ expressions, it is needed now even more desperately than before, to serve as a bridge. A bridge to connect people, connect minds as well as to touch hearts. Providing a catalyst. Even perhaps like a conduit that may lead people to raise important questions. To inspire learning and better understanding. Not only for ourselves. But to a wider community as well as the environment in which we live and receive Natures’ many gifts.</br></br>On this note Sawidji Artists invite you to join us, on this day of Independence 17th August, for the online version of our exhibition ‘Red Chair and the White Room’. An exploration of changes social behaviours and its potential impact on cultural identity. Through symbolic representation via a portrait narrative. The Online Exhibition is available below in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.elow in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.)
  • The Sleeping White Wood  + (A series of photographs exploring a differA series of photographs exploring a different, subtler side of the White Wood of Banyan. The fearsomeness of time evident in the turns and creases of this beautiful Sacred Tree.</br></br>Botanical Notes..</br>The White Wood Tree of Banyan was thought to be a ‘Bunut’ Tree or ‘Banyan Tree. Like many similar Ancient Trees in Bali. However, statements from local residents confirm that the genus of the tree has not yet been expressly confirmed. By the Ministry of Forestry or any University research teams. Their reluctance to confirm the genus of the tree is due to some particularities.</br>It is said the White Wood does not flower but bears fruit (we were a direct witness to the abundance of fruit on The White Wood). It has also been said that the White Wood will shed all its leaves every few months. Though Banyan Trees may shed leaves to retain moisture, it is unusual for a tree to shed leaves this regularly in a moist climate. So for all these reasons, the villagers have continued to call this tree Pohon Kayu Putih Bayan (the White Wood of Banyan).yu Putih Bayan (the White Wood of Banyan).)
  • A Student Wants to Collect Assignments During the Covid 19 Pandemic  + (A Student Wants to Collect Assignments During the Covid 19 Pandemic)
  • My awesome Bali adventure  + (A travel journal with tips and tasks for kids: games, maps, puzzles, language lessons, colouring pictures.
  • Leader of Asta Brata Teachings (Election 2024)  + (A true leader is a leader based on the teaA true leader is a leader based on the teachings of Asta Brata. Asta Brata means eight characteristics of a god that should be used as a guide for a leader so that he is able to lead his people well.</br> As for the parts, namely:</br>1. Indra Brata is like air, which is soothing</br>2. Yama Brata is firm and fair</br>3. Surya Brata who is able to protect the community</br>4. Candra Brata is warm-hearted, polite</br>5. Bayu Brata is a person who cares about society</br>6. Kuwera Brata is a property capable of prosperity</br>7. Baruna Brata has extensive knowledge and insight</br>8. Agni Brata is like fire, has a burning spirit.</br></br>Don't Choose the Wrong Leader in 2024it. Don't Choose the Wrong Leader in 2024)
  • leadership  + (a video that I made myself which contains a discussion of leadership or leaders as well as a video of my hopes for election candidates in 2024)
  • Smart Youth Choose Leaders According to Applause PPS  + (A video that tells about young people who A video that tells about young people who must participate in choosing leaders, because 1 vote can build a nation and state in a better direction. By using PPS claps as one of the criteria for prospective leaders to awaken young people in exercising their right to vote laterle in exercising their right to vote later)
  • Mabarengan Majalan  + (A walk to the clinic doesn’t have to be dull, when there are so many wonderful things to see on the way.)
  • I Bujang Katak  + (A young man lived who resembled a frog. HeA young man lived who resembled a frog. He dreamed of wanting to marry the king's daughter. When applying, only the youngest daughter is willing to marry her. Reluctant to give blessing, the King gave very difficult conditions. Will the Bujang Katak succeed in marrying the king's daughter?k succeed in marrying the king's daughter?)
  • Hoax tentang Keadilan Untuk Audrey  + (A young woman named Audrey admitted that sA young woman named Audrey admitted that she was beaten up by 12 students. The beatings were carried out in two places. There are two motives for this student to persecute him. First, the heart hurts, because the victim often brings up the problem of accounts receivable that had been committed by the late mother of the suspect. Second, because of male problems.</br>During the persecution, Audrey admitted that she was dropped onto the asphalt and kicked repeatedly by her friend and experienced bleeding from the nose and wounds on the face. Then Audrey also stated that one of the perpetrators abused her vital organs, namely by striking her female organs with her fingers, and because this made the victim no longer a virgin and also experienced swelling in her vital area. This incident went viral on social media so quickly that it shocked people throughout Indonesia.</br>However, after checking in the field of health, Audrey divisum and the post-mortem rejected the statement made by Audrey, the post-mortem said that there were no marks and hymen, Audrey did not experience a tear and Audrey did not experience physical trauma in the area.</br>This case is very unfortunate, and not as viral on social media. Hopefully hoaxes like this will not happen againlly hoaxes like this will not happen again)
  • Palemahan  + (A: Aren't you ashamed of picking up litterA: Aren't you ashamed of picking up litters in public spaces, Tut?! There's already city workers whose job is to do just that. Don't waste your time, okay?</br></br></br>B: It's you who should be ashamed, Brother. How come we who own these island don't care a bit about our own surrounding. Those tourists who came from faraway places can. While we kept talking about Tri hita Karana (Three Cause of Joy: relationship with the Creator, relationship with each other, relationship with nature). That's hypocrisy, Brother.p with nature). That's hypocrisy, Brother.)
  • Reboisasi  + (A: Brother Mang, what are those people doing?? B: That is called reforestation or replanting trees. A: Why do that? B: So we can protect and keep the enviroment. If we do good to nature, we'll live happily.)
  • Gumine Mangkin  + (A: Dad, there are a lot of wild animals out there. B: That's because their habitat has been destroyed by mandkind. Cutting trees indiscrimately. Throwing litters carelessly. A: Those, Dad...)
  • Peken Bali  + (A: Excuse, me. Where can I get some lawar here? B: Oh, just over there, the most delicious one is at the west part of the Bali market. A: Over there? Thank you, very much. B: Yes, there. anytime, brother!)
  • Naga  + (A: Holy cow, a Naga Banda (a dragon palanquin used in cremation ceremony as a symbol of earthly engagements that bind human into this world) Written: Raja Naga is passé.)
  • Body Part  + (A: This is called stiffed hair. B: Gee, yoA: This is called stiffed hair.</br>B: Gee, you've never been struck by “KAMEHAME” …</br></br>Bok/Hair/Rambut</br></br>Wimba/Eyebrow/Alis</br></br>Kuping/Ear/Telinga</br></br>Panyingakan/Eye/Mata</br></br>Cunguh/Nose/Hidung</br></br>Pala/Shoulder/Pundak</br></br>Bibih/Lip/ Bibir</br></br>Baong/Neck/ Leher</br></br>Tangkah/Chest/Dada</br></br>Lima/Hand/ Tangan</br></br>Basang/Belly/Perut</br></br>Jriji/Finger/Jemari</br></br>Paan/Thigh/Paha</br></br>Entud/Knee/Lutut</br></br>Batis/Leg/Kakiigh/Paha Entud/Knee/Lutut Batis/Leg/Kaki)
  • about difficulties in dealing with online learning  + (about difficulties in dealing with online learning)
  • About my experience while studying online  + (About my experience while studying online)
  • My hopes and my friends about future leaders  + (About my hopes and my friends about future leaders)
  • about my learning activities during the pandemic  + (about my learning activities during the pandemic)
  • About school during a pandemic  + (About school during a pandemic)
  • About students who were asked by their mothers about online learning  + (About students who were asked by their mothers about online learning)
  • The Balinese language is increasingly extinct among Balinese teenagers  + (Above, I used a photo of a traditional Balinese dress (kebaya), like preserving Balinese culture)
  • MARGA SENGKALA  + (Accidents are the most inevitable thing, wAccidents are the most inevitable thing, who wants injuries to themselves? Who wants to go home in name only? No one wants to hurt themselves because of circumstances.</br></br>Look at the beautiful carvings on the asphalt. It's as if her beauty has turned into a very dangerous threat, we often hear about accidents caused by potholes, damaged roads or so on. Many victims have fallen and even lost their lives. The carvings on the road are left until a fatality occurs before it is justified, how long are you going to wait for the victim to fall?</br></br>This should be very important if you look at it, not only are the roads damaged, there is no street lighting, who should you report to? Do you have to wait for fatalities to prove that this situation is very dangerous to life? The Sengkala clan has become a shadowy threat to life. We often encounter damaged roads, potholes that cause accidents for us.</br></br>Let's be sensitive to our surroundings, how long are we going to wait for many fatalities to be justified? This shouldn't just be looked down upon, we need street lighting. We need smooth roads, not just smooth government salaries but roads that have not been repaired.ies but roads that have not been repaired.)
  • Harmonious is not cool, but an obligation  + (According to KBBI (the official IndonesianAccording to KBBI (the official Indonesian Language Dictionary), harmony means not fighting, being united in heart, agreeing, in a good and peaceful manner. We must understand these five things and have them within each of us. According to Setara Institute researchers, one of the trends throughout 2022 is the continued increase in cases of disturbances to places of worship. Then, there are other trends such as violations of freedom of religion and belief. Of the 333 acts of violation of freedom of religion and belief, 94 were mostly committed by residents (quoted from the @voaindonesia upload).</br>With the cases that occurred, the meaning of harmony faded. It is only spoken in the mouth but cannot be felt in reality. The motto ‘harmony is cool’ is, in my opinion, not quite right, because Basuki Tjahaya Purnama once said “If an official is not corrupt, they do not need to be respected because that is indeed their oath of office.” It’s the same with harmony. We must understand, own and do it to our fellow human beings. From the smallest scale, namely in the family, we must provide education about harmony, as well as at school. This is the most basic foundation in character building. In society, we must also have the courage to be agents of change, setting an example that whatever religion we adhere to (which has been recognized by the Indonesian government) is good. We should not gossip, for example when we are working late at the office to replace a colleague who is having a holiday service. Unity can be shown by no discrimination among friends and being willing to get along with any friends at school and agreeing to help for the religious holidays. Also, we can start simple benevolence by saying ‘sorry’, ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ to anyone.</br>These things are just small things that we can definitely do. The advantages if we are religiously in harmony are discounts and holidays that can be enjoyed by anyone. So, what extraordinary thing will you do today to keep harmony?y thing will you do today to keep harmony?)
  • Namtamin Kalanguan Jagat Bali ring Ambaralaya  + (According to Mr. Sandiaga Salahudin Uno asAccording to Mr. Sandiaga Salahudin Uno as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Bali is the province that contributes the most foreign exchange from the tourism sector in Indonesia. However, since Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on the world, tourists no longer travel to Bali. Likewise, Bali's tourism life is dead. This has a bad influence on the economic, social, and psychological aspects of the Balinese people. Balinese people who work in tourism currently do not have a livelihood, this causes problems in the economic field. Because everything that is needed must be purchased using money, it makes people sad, problems arise in the psyche. Under these circumstances, there are now many beggars and buskers at crossroads who wear Balinese traditional clothes, problems arise in the social sector. Because the death of Bali tourism has a bad effect, it is necessary to find a way out so that tourism can bounce back.</br></br>Since the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, digital technology or in the network is growing. This digital technology can generate Bali tourism. How to? In my opinion, currently, the government can sell the existence of art, culture, and natural beauty to the world market through the website. The website can also be filled with virtual exhibitions using 360-degree technology, such as digital exhibitions that have often been carried out by people abroad. With one website, you can fill in several videos and virtual exhibitions from art museums throughout Bali. Through this website, tourists do not need to come to Bali, but only with digital experience, they can enjoy the natural beauty of Bali.</br></br>Now what can also be developed is the performing arts or performing arts which can be recorded and shared online or digitally. Balinese people who have not got jobs can be embraced to learn together performing arts such as Kecak and other colossal dances. It needs to be noted, those who want to watch every video on the website must buy a ticket in advance.</br></br>From some of the opinions I conveyed above, the development of digital technology can be a bridge to awaken Bali tourism while preserving Balinese art and culture. In addition, currently, each tourist spot must prepare health protocol equipment so that anyone who wants to travel to these tourist attractions still pays attention to health protocols to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully, the pandemic can disappear soon, the world will return to normal, and Bali tourism can rise and stand strong.nd Bali tourism can rise and stand strong.)
  • Ngolah luu Ring Jagat Natha  + (Action Plan is a description of the ways tAction Plan is a description of the ways that must be taken to achieve the goal. This Action Plan can be useful as a guide on what steps to take, how, and when to implement them to achieve certain goals.</br></br>Our action plan is entitled "Ngolah Luu Ring Jagat Natha".</br>Our team's action plan is that we will first explain the facts about waste in Bali, in Indonesia, and in the world. Like news shows that spread about a lot of garbage until the pile of garbage resembles a hill. For this reason, my team and I will collect the waste and then sort it into 2 parts, namely organic waste and non-organic waste. Organic waste such as vegetable scraps to fruit skins are used as Eco Enzymes that can help fertilize plants. Non-organic luu, such as plastic, are used for posters or collages.</br></br>The purpose of this movement is so that people know or are aware of the importance of processing waste properly and correctly, so that Jagat Natha is free from waste.</br>The benefits of this plan are:</br></br>1. Reducing waste in Bali, in Indonesia and the world.</br></br>2. With proper and proper waste management, it can be a business opportunity for all of us.</br>For example Eco Enzymes and collages or posters. With a simple way and easy to find ingredients, we become influencers to turn piles of garbage into business of garbage into business opportunities.)
  • Literature wisatawan dibali  + (added, the arrival of tourists in Bali is added, the arrival of tourists in Bali is an opportunity for Bali to show its readiness to build trust for potential foreign tourists to be able to visit Bali.</br></br>According to Putu Winastra, ASITA Bali along with all other tourism components are very ready to receive foreign tourist arrivals in Bali.</br></br></br></br>"We have prepared SOPs with the government and we hope that there will be no more problems and obstacles in the future. Of course, many tourists will not come immediately, all require a process," he said.</br></br>In welcoming foreign tourists who come to Bali, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has also designed a warm up vacation program.</br></br>This program is an innovation designed for tourists or PPLN who have just arrived in Bali to be able to undergo quarantine in a hotel with a bubble system that allows them to do activities not limited to their rooms, but can carry out various activities in a special bubble area prepared by the hotel manager.bubble area prepared by the hotel manager.)
  • Episode 08 - Nyoman Sunarta, Petani di Bayung Gede  + (After the company totally cut his work houAfter the company totally cut his work hours, Nyoman Sunarta is now actively farming in Bayung Gede, his village in Kintamani. He used to work at a hotel. Even though the agricultural sector was also affected by COVID-19, he still has time to share stories... and a sack of share stories... and a sack of oranges.)
  • Agastya Parwa  + (Agastya Parwa literally means "Maharsi AgaAgastya Parwa literally means "Maharsi Agastya's Chapter". This palm manuscript is an adaptation of Weda Agastya Samhita in Sanskrit. It describes dialogs bewteen Maharsi Agastya and hs son, Dridhasyu. The content of their dialogs is split into seven parts. The first part tells about creation of the universe. Th second part tells about maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifestation, including the existence of heaven and hell. The second part also describes sinful and pious activities. This part also contains lists of merits one gets from doing certain pious activities. The third part discuses about the life of the demigods and the demons (asuras) as well as genealogy of the Manus. In the fourth part, Rsi Agastya teaches about self-realization and spiritual advancement (moksa). In the fifth part there are family trees of pious kings and great sages in the past. In the sixth part, there is a description about prescribed duties of mankind especially regarding sacrifice, atonement and self-restrain. In the seventh part, there is a description about duties of each varna (division) in the human society.ach varna (division) in the human society.)
  • Strengthening social capital for agricultural development, lessons from Guama, Bali, Indonesia  + (Agriculture plays a significant role in thAgriculture plays a significant role in the economic development of Indonesia. In Bali province, the government has been implementing agricultural development programs through subaks, which are customary communities that manage the traditional irrigation system. However, subaks now face some problems due to low farmers’ income from paddy farming. This paper describes the social capital performance of the subak system and attempts to identify ways to strengthen the social capital for agricultural development. The study selected the subak of Guama as its site because the government implemented a pilot project on agribusiness development in this subak in 2002. Key informants and samples were drawn during the survey and observation for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods. Results showed that social capital within the subak system consisted of mutual trust, social norms,</br>and social networking. The three elements run simultaneously for the agricultural, irrigation, and</br>agribusiness activities, including ritual ceremonies within the subak system. The social capital in the subak system for agricultural development, particularly rice farming, can be strengthened by: (1) conducting intensive extension and training activities using participatory approaches; (2) providing economic stimulants to encourage farmers to sustain their agribusiness activities; and (3) facilitating partnership activities between the subak and other agribusiness institutions.subak and other agribusiness institutions.)
  • The impact of reminiscence therapy on elderly stress level in Luwus, Baturiti, Tabanan Bali  + (Aim: Stress in the elderly are feeling depAim: Stress in the elderly are feeling depressed, anxious, and tense caused by stressors such as physical, mental, and social changes that affects their emotional status and cause diseases. Stress management in elderly can be done by reminiscence therapy that use memory of the past to maintain elderly’s mental health. This study aims to determine the effect of reminiscence therapy to stress on elderly Method: The design of this research was quasi-experimental using nonequivalent control group design. The samples consisted of 34 elderly were selected by purposive sampling, divided into 17 elderly in treatment group and 17 elderly in control group, and data collection was done using the Stress Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). Result: Test analysis result of Independent Sample T-Test with a significance level of 95% was concluded there are significant effect of reminiscence therapy to stress in the elderly. Conclusion: Activities by recalled memories of the past can help elderly people to interact and express their feeling to family and friends so that the elderly are able to adapt to stress.t the elderly are able to adapt to stress.)
  • Ngimbang Ngajohin Jagat  + (Airborne forget the land Ogoh-ogAirborne forget the land</br> Ogoh-ogoh Pasu Vipra, this ogoh-ogoh is the work of ST. Putradermasanti I like the concept of ogoh-ogoh because it prohibits us from forgetting ourselves when we have power.</br> With these ogoh-ogoh, I give a message that the government, which has a position to protect the community, can understand its duties, because nowadays there are many government officials who do not understand their duties, who make many promises without action but are very proud to declare themselves An official. Therefore they are not included as human beings but Pasu Vipra (a person who has a position with anywhere, is not a true leader) Full of bickering, does not know what absolute truth is and neglects responsibility.lute truth is and neglects responsibility.)
  • Aji Janantaka  + (Aji Janantaka is a mythical lontar which tAji Janantaka is a mythical lontar which tells the origin of wood in Bali. This lontar tells about woods that have a hierarchy like a royal system among humans. Based on the story in Aji Janantaka, Balinese people determine the types of wood that can be used to build shrines, house buildings, or make utensils and masks. There are sacred types of wood that can only be used to build holy places and may not be used for ordinary building materials.</br></br>The story in this lontar begins with a king named Pratipa who ruled in the land of Janantaka. The king had five ministers namely Matwa, Rangga, Tumenggung, Arya and Kadeyan. In addition, he had five other officials, namely Punggawa, Manca, Perbekel, Pecalang, Kelihan Banjar, and Kasinoman. They were all attacked by a plague of leprosy which could not be cured by any means. It is said that this plague was originated from Lord Shiva who displeased King Pratipa because the king had made an offense.</br></br>King Pratipa then sent Matwa to go to Lord Dharma in heaven to ask for healing. According to Lord Dharma, the entire kingdom had to be moved from Janantaka to Wanapringga. Dewa Dharma then gave them purification for their ailments. However, this purification meant that they would all be dissolved and be reborn into trees.</br></br>All types of trees originating from the king, Arya, Rangga, Demung, Tumenggung, pecalang, Perbekel, kliyan and kasinoman cannot be used for building holy buildings because they had previously been affected by leprosy (known as “cukil daki” or “ila” disease). The trees that are considered contaminated include the Bengkulitan, Taru Brokan (deformed tree due to being eaten by pests), Embud Hati tree, Soca Menengan Sunduk tree, and Soca Nyuwun Lambang tree.</br></br>This lontar can be referred to as a simple botanical taxonomic palm-leaf manuscript centered on local trees that grew in Bali in the past. There are also Brahmin tree class and Taru Sari tree class. Both types of trees can be used as sacred building materials. There are also jempini, bayur and bentawa trees belonging to the taru sakama-kama class, which can be used for any purpose.</br></br>Apart from the types of trees, Lontar Aji Janantaka also describes types of fragrant flowers that can be used for ceremonies. These fragrant flowering trees are classified as sekar madewi, namely cananga, frangipani, canigara, tigaron, sebita, kembang kuning, kemoning, tigakancu, tampak bela, katrangan, nagasari, jasmine, jempiring, pudak sari, pudak cinaga, pudak kalasa, sekar gambir, chrysanthemum, magnolia, ratna, and gadung kasturi.emum, magnolia, ratna, and gadung kasturi.)
  • Aji Pari  + (Aji Pari means ‘the spell of rice'. This lAji Pari means ‘the spell of rice'. This lontar is written in ancient Javanese and is one of the lontars which contains teachings about traditional agriculture. Aji Pari is in the same category as agricultural lontars such as Usada Taru Pramana, Aji Janantaka, Usada Carik, and so on.</br></br>Aji Pari in general contains mantras about the greatness of rice from the time it is planted to post-harvest. This lontar is closely related to the Subak organization, which is thought to have existed since the ninth century. Within the Subak organization, there are many special ceremonies for rice starting from before planting to after harvest. In other words, rice is treated like a human undergoing developmental phases.</br></br>Lontar Aji pari likens rice to a sacred tree which is a form of the goddess Sri (the goddess of prosperity) as a tree. Therefore, in each phase of rice development, it is given different names. Lontar Aji Pari revealed that traditional Balinese and Javanese people highly respect rice plants as the main source of food in an agrarian society.</br></br>Based on what is contained in Aji Pari's lontar, it can be assumed that the rice seeds in Bali came from Java, to be precise during the Airlangga era or before. Perhaps at that time there were native Balinese rice species, but in allegory this lontar states that Bhatara Sri came from Kamulan (East Java). This indicates that there was a better breeding of rice species in East Java at that time, which was later developed in Bali as well.which was later developed in Bali as well.)
  • The Adaptation Process of Balinese Women Who Married in Accordance to Ngerob  + (All married couples generally need the adaAll married couples generally need the adaptability of each partner. Adjustment will feel more complex for wife who live with in-laws or in Balinese culture it is called ngerob. Balinese women who are married and do not have their own homes, are obliged to live with their in laws and husband's family. This creates a psychological conflict for the wife. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods. The criteria for respondents used in this study are Balinese women who are married, live with their parents-in-law and husband's family and work. Through coding analysis, it was found several things that included the adjustment process, namely constraints including shock, conflicts with in-laws, conflicts with husbands, financial problems and having excess roles. The factors that influence self-adjustment include experience, learning process, self-concept, family support and environmental conditions. Then the actions taken to overcome obstacles is building a good coping strategies. This research is expected to provide information related to the adjustment process in ngerob’s marital life.justment process in ngerob’s marital life.)
  • Baligrafi Kelapa  + (All parts of the coconut plant can be usedAll parts of the coconut plant can be used by humans. In the midst of strong winds, coconut trees are still able to stand firm. Even when it has fallen and dried up, the stems and leaves can still be useful. I imply the same hope, although in a visualized form that is not yet fully perfect.alized form that is not yet fully perfect.)
  • Om Swastyastu  + (All religions in Indonesia have their own greeting, even the Hindu religion has the greeting "Om Swastyastu". Om Swastyastu means I hope you are in good condition by the grace of Hyang Widhi.)
  • ADDITION OF BALI SCRIPT WRITING FEATURE ON THE BASABALI WIKI PLATFORM  + (Along with the advancement of the modern eAlong with the advancement of the modern era and also the increasingly sophisticated information technology, surely this will greatly affect the existence and preservation of the Balinese language. As we all know that the Balinese language is the mother tongue in Bali which is the heart and the soul of the Balinese people. We really need to preserve the existence of the Balinese language so that in the future it does not become extinct due to infrequent use.</br></br>The BASAbali Wiki platform is a very appropriate way to preserve the existence of the Balinese language in this globalization era. Apart from preserving the Balinese language, the BASAbali Wiki platform is also a forum for preserving culture and environment, and also responding to current civil issues among Balinese people. Until now, the BASAbali Wiki platform has been very good in its aim to preserve Balinese language and culture. I can see this from the many competitions that have been held by BASAbali Wiki in each region on the island of Bali.</br></br>In terms of features, this platform already provides three languages; namely, Indonesian, English and Balinese. This makes it very easy for users to translate from one language to another. From these advantages, there are several disadvantages of the BASAbali Wiki platform which must be corrected and added in the future. The existence of the Balinese script from year to year has decreased in use. It is very important for us to pay attention to and anticipate the extinction of Balinese script. Hopefully, this Balinese script feature can be added to the platform to maintain the existence of the Balinese script so that it does not become extinct.script so that it does not become extinct.)
  • BALINESE CULTURAL TRADITIONS ARE INCREASINGLY EXTINCTWITH THE TIMES  + (Along with the times, not only in ejectionAlong with the times, not only in ejection, even writing Balinese script in ejection is not fluent, from small children to adults. If we don't innovate, then we shouldn't be influenced by the times. It is true that it is difficult to find lontar, but there are several parties who sell it. If you don't buy it, then we start learning so that it is fluent and understands the ejection. Therefore, awareness from many parties is needed to preserve Balinese culture in the form of Balinese script on ejection. Preserving Balinese Culture is what we really need to do so that in the future it does not experience extinction because it is rarely used. So it needs support or encouragement from the government in the form of continuing to carry out counseling on Balinese Script using palm-leaf in every school, especially junior or high school, and providing facilities in the form of Balinese Script training centers, or continuing to carry out Balinese Script writing competitions on lontar during the Balinese Language Month. I hope that the younger generation who live in this millennial generation can write Balinese, especially writing Balinese script on ejection.ially writing Balinese script on ejection.)
  • Diversity As a Means Of Strengthening Life  + (Although different cultures and religions do not prevent us from making friends, on the contrary, these differences are a means of strengthening life)
  • Finding Serenity  + (An Anthology World Without Sound, was respAn Anthology World Without Sound, was responded by several artists & writers who share the same vision to awaken our sensitivity in understanding, exploring, and making sense of the reality of world without sound, and distribute the message to the public from different perspectives.</br></br>Behind The Artwork :</br>Butterflies need natural resources, such as plants and flowers, for food and places to lay their eggs. Butterflies do not like urban noise, such as vehicles, construction and other human activities can annoy butterflies and affect their behavior. Butterflies rely heavily on their visual perception and olfactory abilities, which are important in finding food and mates. Noise can interfere with the ability of butterflies to communicate and pay attention to their surroundings. In addition, constant noise can cause stress and anxiety in butterflies. Therefore, butterflies prefer a calm, peaceful environment and clean air.</br></br>Reflection :</br>"The instinct to seek peace and happiness is the reference for every human being's life. The butterfly philosophy teaches humans to be more flexible, open, courageous, patient, and respect differences. This is a useful lesson for human life in various aspects of life."on for human life in various aspects of life.")
  • authoritative leader  + (An authoritative leader is a leader who is responsible, keeps promises, and doesn't talk nonsense)
  • Dewi Dian Reich, There is Intellectual Stagnation in Balinese Art  + (An interview with Dewi Dian Reich, Founder of Sawidji Artist Collective and Gallery by Mas Ruscita Dewi. May 17th 2023 Bali Post. Looking at the challenges faced by Balinese artists in the face of a changing global and local markets.)
  • An obstacle and solution for online learning in the era of covid-19  + (An obstacle and solution for online learning in the era of covid-19)
  • Angenan  + (Angenan is a lamp that resembles a phallusAngenan is a lamp that resembles a phallus made from coconut shells, in the middle of the coconut there is rice, chicken or duck egg shells filled with coconut oil and a wick in the form of white thread and kepeng money. On it there are coils of colorful thread, white and yellow, or tri datu (red, black, white). This angenan is placed on the bed or on the chest of a deceased person. On the day of burial, the deceased's relatives take the corpse to the cemetery because it will be melted down.e cemetery because it will be melted down.)
  • The Spirit of Triangular Sandwich Against the Corona Pandemic  + (ANNIVERSARY OF THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, TANNIVERSARY OF THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, TOURISM IN A SILENT ECONOMY</br></br>The difficulty of finding a job during this pandemic made me confused about where to get my income from because I used to work in the tourism sector until I was sent home due to the Coronavirus pandemic.</br></br>I tried many things, from selling loloh cemcem, planting crops, to raising chickens, but did not find much success. However, I did not give up.</br></br>I finally tried making Astungkara, or triangle bread. My triangle bread business ran smoothly and I even contracted a shop in a market to sell triangle bread and several other loaves there.</br></br>In this situation, I am grateful because I have learned new knowledge on how to start a business, even though the business is small.</br></br>One of my main takeaways from this experience was being taught not to complain about the situation, because the situation was created by myself, and instead move on and try to fix the situation. My eventual success reminded me that there must be an end result behind the movement.</br></br>Based on what I experienced, I hope that the government will support local entrepreneurs by providing assistance and incentivizing people to shop and buy local Balinese products.</br></br>Good luck, good health, and keep it up !!!!!od luck, good health, and keep it up !!!!!)