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  • make level the ground over a grave. Symbolically burn the earth over a grave rather than the body within the grave. Some families in Jimbaran never actually cremate their dead, but, rather, only perform a nyapuh. Others may nyapuh if the family must put on a large ceremony that requires all dead members of their family to be cremated but cannot afford the expense of a regular cremation. (sepuh = purification in sanggah 3 days after burial of corpse) en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Bale Daja sampun madue banten penyapuh
No translation exists for this example.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Titiang demen ajak isu-isu sane wenten ring krama Bali mangkin contone nganggen basa asing sane lebian, dadine nyapuh basa ibu krama bali inggih punika basa Bali.

In English:   I am interested in issues that are currently happening in the community, such as the excessive use of foreign languages so that the mother tongue of the Balinese people is fading, namely the Balinese language.

In Indonesian:   Saya tertarik dengan isu-isu yang terjadi saat ini di kalangan masyarakat seperti contohnya penggunaan bahasa asing yang berlebihan sehingga memudarnya bahasa ibu masyarakat Bali yaitu bahasa Bali.

In Balinese:   Upacara puniki kabawos Nyapuh Leger, duaning ritatkala upacara puniki, sasolahan wayang Sapuh Leger kagelar.

In English:   The ritual is called Nyapuh Leger, for it involves a special sacred puppet show called Sapuh Leger.

In Indonesian:   Upacara ini disebut Nyapuh Leger, karena dalam upacara ini digelar pertunjukan wayang sakral yang disebut Sapuh Leger.